
监管机构旨在保护近1B美元的投资者资产免受被指控超过1.8B庞氏骗局的创始人。美国证券交易委bob200体育员会(SEC)和法院指定的监视器约瑟夫·戈德玛尔(Joseph Gardemal)建议任命接管资金,以保护近1B美元的投资者资产免受GPB Capital Holdings所有者和创始人David Gentile的侵害。[…]的其他高管和创始人


创始人面临超过$ 1.8B的庞氏骗局的费用,并希望GPB Capital支付其律师费,贝莱的私募股权公司GPB Capital Holdings又回到了新闻中。这次是其创始人兼前首席执行官戴维·埃奇尔(David Gentile)在特拉华州法院起诉该公司。外邦人面临犯罪,民事欺诈和阴谋指控[…]

Beareered替代资产公司还与前总部位于纽约GPB的前首席执行官GPB Capital Holdings,LLC达成3000万美元的和解协议,已最终确定了将其主要汽车集团出售给1 Automotive的主要汽车集团。此次购买包括Prime Auto的所有资产,包括超过两十个汽车经销店和三个碰撞中心。8.8亿美元的主要汽车销售[…]

Federal Prosecutors Interviewed Alternative Asset Firm’s Former Auditor Six months after the Justice Department filed criminal charges against ex-GPB Capital Holdings executives for operating an over $1.8B Ponzi scam that defrauded more than 17,000 investors, prosecutors have submitted a court filing disclosing that federal officials have interviewed Alan Materazo of Margolin Winer & Evens, an […]

States Allege Self-Dealing: Key GPB Capital Parties Used Investors’ Money to Fund Luxury Expenses In separate lawsuits suing GPB Capital Holdings and other key parties for defrauding investors in a more than $1.8B Ponzi scam, Missouri and Illinois regulators are accusing former GPB Capital Holdings CEO, David Gentile, and Ascendant Capital owner, Jeffry Schneider, of […]

在SEC投诉和联邦调查局逮捕纽约总检察长Letitia James正在起诉GPB Capital Holdings以及五名共同被告人犯有大规模庞氏骗局的情况下起诉GPB Capital Holdings之后,州诉讼提起诉讼。纽约AG认为,总部位于州的替代资产公司和私募股权基金经理欺骗了美国的投资者[…]

Justice Department Files Parallel Criminal Charges Against GPB Capital’s David Gentile and Others The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed civil charges against GPB Capital Holdings CEO and owner David Gentile, ex-GPB managing partner Jeffrey Lash, Ascendant Capital owner Jeffry Schneider, and affiliated entities, including Ascendant Alternative Strategies, of defrauding 17,000 retail investors in […]

前赛车集团首席执行官指控替代资产公司运行大规模庞氏骗局,马萨诸塞州高级法院法官说,前主要汽车集团首席执行官戴维·罗森伯格(David Rosenberg)提起的大多数诉讼都可以前进。罗森伯格(Rosenberg)在投诉中声称,他指责母公司GPB […]后被解雇和报复。

据称,迈克尔·科恩(Michael Cohn)在被控妨碍司法公正的一年后,偷走了有关SEC调查的信息,GPB Capital Holdings的前首席合规官Michael Cohn对政府财产盗窃罪的轻罪犯罪表示认罪。。针对他的最初指控已被归类[…]
