
Addressing the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the Securities and Exchange Commission maintains that a lower court was wrong to deny the agency’s bid to compel the Securities Investor Protection Corporation to act on behalf of investors who were victimized by the Allen R. Stanford Ponzi scam. Thousands of investors sustained losses as a result of the scheme. Meantime, Stanford is serving 110 years behind bars for running the $7 billion scheme that involved certificate of deposit sales issued by his Stanford International Bank in Antigua.

“Stanford Securities was a Houston-based firm which sold uninsured CD’s issued by foreign firms to investors all over the world,” said德克萨斯证券bob200体育欺诈律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd)。“它的创始人在联邦法院受到了证券欺诈的审判,并被判处一bob200体育生中没有假释的一生。投资者几乎没有回来,与巴纳德·麦道夫(Barnard Madoff)犯下的庞氏骗局的受害者不同,他们无法从SIPC中恢复最多500,000美元。”

It was last summer that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia noted the preponderance of the evidence standard and found that investors that had bought CD’s from Stanford’s Antigua bank were not, under the meaning of the Securities Investor Protection Act, “customers” of Stanford Group Co., which was Stanford’s brokerage firm in the US. Had that court ruled otherwise, SIPC would have to start liquidation proceedings for the broker-dealer and some 21,000 Stanford CD purchasers could have sought reimbursement through SIPC claims.

两个人被指控德州证券欺诈bob200体育涉及向老年人出售虚假年金。当局逮捕了53岁的休斯顿男子莱昂·兰迪·辛克莱三世(Leon Randy Sinclair III),罪名是通过欺骗,盗窃信托财产和洗钱。据称,辛克莱(Sinclair)和他的总部位于圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)的业务合作伙伴路德·皮尔斯·亨登(Luther Pierce Hendon)将投资政策的资金转移到了自己的银行帐户中。



成千上万的投资因素损失了全国人寿保险公司Axa Equialitailita Life Insurance Co.发行的年金AIG SunAmerica Life Assurance Co.,以及可变的年金人寿保险公司。代表这些投资者提起了集体诉讼,但是,正如过去十年中数百万投资者发生的那样,他们现在也成为国会和法院的受害者。

Investors who do not “opt out” of class actions in securities cases can severely harm their chance of ever recovering. It may be best for those with small or weak claims to let the class action lawyers get rich, while only sending them a few “pennies on the dollar” (The average securities class action produces less than 10% net recovery to investors). It is better than nothing, but those who lost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars should consult an attorney of their own. It is also best if they go to one who will not charge them to review their options.









代表原告的律师据称被告米德兰国家人寿保险公司(Midland National Life Insurance Company)被告出售了夏威夷老年人固有的不适合,欺骗性的年金产品,旨在掩盖早期合同取消合同的真正成本。

The court cited two reasons it denied the class action against Midland. The first was that, whether or not Midland’s actions were misleading or deceptive, different sales pitches by different insurance salespersons were made to those purchasing the annuities, therefore the investors did not have similar claims. The second, said the judge, was that the losses were not caused by the alleged misleading actions, but by changes in the securities market.

The National Association of Securities Dealers has issued an “Investor Alert” warning of a rise in deceptive sales practices in the sale of annuities to senior citizens

The NASD also states that consumer confusion about annuities has also risen. “This is due, in part, to questionable or deceptive sales practices employed by companies and agents looking to take advantage of uninformed consumers,” it adds.

An “annuity” is defined in the release as “a contract in which an insurance company makes a series of income payments at regular intervals in return for a premium or premiums you have paid.”

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