Articles Posted in犯罪

$300M Stock Scam Allegations Lead to Guilty Verdict

A Brooklyn jury has convicted ex-OmniView Capital Advisors LLC CEO Abraxas J. Discala of conspiracy, wire fraud, and securities fraud in a $300M market rigging scam/ pump-and dump fraud. A second defendant, lawyer Kyleen Cane, was acquitted after initially being charged with conspiracy and securities fraud.

According to prosecutors, the stock fraud occurred from 10/2012 through 7/2014. Trades in four publicly traded companies were reportedly involved.

Former Refco CEO and company co-owner Phillip Bennett has pled guilty to 20 criminal charges related to the $2.4 billion fraud-related downfall of his company. Former CFO Robert Trosten has also pled guilty to five counts stemming from similar criminal activities.

Under Bennett’s supervision, Refco lost millions of dollars while trading in securities and derivatives in the 1990’s. Bennett tried to hide the losses by making them appear as if they were debts owed to Refco by Refco Group Holdings Inc., which is a company that Bennett controlled. Trosten helped direct these fraudulent transfers to the holding company.

该公司于2004年购买并公开发售后,骗局曝光。Thomas H. Lee Partners LP购买了Refco的多数股权。2005年,Refco宣布发现,Bennett拥有的一个实体欠Refco 4.3亿美元。

一项研究声称,自从五年前萨班斯 - 奥克斯利法律通过以来,对公司的举报人索赔只有一小部分是成功的,这引发了有关员工提高公司渎职警报的能力的疑问。

尽管美国公司几乎每天都对所谓的“ Sorbox”立法所承担的“负担”几乎每天都在抱怨,但事实是,公司几乎继续欺骗投资者,同时滥用任何可能敢于指责他们的雇员。

萨班斯 - 奥克斯利(Sarbanes-Oxley)于2002年在安然(Enron)和世界科姆(WorldCom)丑闻之后通过时包含了新的Pro-Whistleblower规定。它被某些人吹捧为“公司言论自由的革命”,旨在通过包括强有力的“反遗产”规定来加强对欺诈案件的雇员可用的保护。

三家对冲基金公司在佛罗里达联邦法院对犯罪阴谋指控表示认罪,该计划损失了近1.95亿美元。美国检察官R. Alexander Acosta在书面声明中说,被告包括KL Group LLC,Shoreland Trading LLC和KL Triangulum Management LLC。


Claims were also filed against three principles of the funds describing a scheme in which approximately 250 clients invested between 2000 and 2005. Although much of the money was apparently lost, a large amount of the funds allegedly went to the individuals’ personal use. Case documents say the defendants established opulent ocean-view offices in West Palm Beach with high-end furnishings and equipment. Prospective investors were given tours to view day trading purportedly using a proprietary system.

Authorities in Knoxville have arrested an Ameriprise Financial Services broker who is accused of defrauding Tennessee residents. The charges include theft and forgery. At least five alleged victims have come forward claiming losses of almost $1 million. A client in another state claims damages of more than a million dollars and detectives are seeking to learn of more victims.

德尔伯特·福斯特·布朗特三世(Delbert Forster Blount III)在诺克斯维尔(Knoxville)的一个美国竞技办公室和田纳西州莫里斯敦(Morristown)的另一个Ameriprise办公室工作。据报道,Blount收到了向客户提供的支票,但将这些支票存入了他的个人帐户,而不是客户的投资帐户。


The U.S. Treasury Secretary announced the second stage of its “capital markets competitiveness plan” devoted to efforts to “modernize the structure” of the regulatory system for all U.S. financial services providers. The announcement was made before the New York Stock Exchange’s conference on deals and deal-making, hosted by the Wall Street Journal.



一名员工Global Energy Group of Credit Suisse was arrested and charged for his role in an alleged scheme使用涉及瑞士信贷客户的九项合并交易的物质非公开信息,以获得超过750万美元的利润。美国证券bob200体育交易委员会还对总部位于巴基斯坦的Faysal银行的投资银行业务负责人提出了指控。

Prosecutors said the Faysal Bank agent traded on tips about forthcoming announcements on acquisitions of publicly traded companies Northwestern Corp., Energy Partners Ltd., Veritas DGC Inc., Jacuzzi Brands Inc., Trammell Crow Co., Hydril Co., Caremark Rx Inc., John H. Harland Co., and TXU Corp. Credit Suisse advised either the target company or the acquiring entity in transactions involving each of those companies, they said.



丹佛的诺曼·施密特(Norman Schmidt)被判犯有阴谋犯有证券欺诈,邮件欺诈和电汇欺诈,除了洗钱外。bob200体育科罗拉多州利特尔顿的查尔斯·刘易斯(Charles Lewis)被判犯有阴谋,邮件欺诈,电汇欺诈,证券欺诈和洗钱的罪名。bob200体育伊利诺伊州本顿市的乔治·艾伦·韦德(George Alan Weed)因邮件欺诈,电汇欺诈和证券欺诈而被定罪,华盛顿州科尔伯特市的迈克尔·杜安·史密斯(Michbob200体育ael Duane Smith)被定罪。施密特正在寻求上诉。

另外两人对该计划认罪:丹佛的珍妮丝·麦克莱恩·施密特(Janice McClain Schmidt)被判处九年徒刑,而俄亥俄州夏克高地(Shaker Heights)的乔治·贝罗斯(George Beros)等待判决。另一位涉嫌参与欺诈的参与者彼得·A·W·莫斯(Peter A. W. Moss)被起诉,但显然在英国。美国检察官办公室正试图引渡他。

David A. Stockman was chief architect of President Ronald Reagan’s economic plan (a plan dubbed “voodoo economics” by George H.W. Bush). Stockman then became a high-profile Wall Street money man, but was indicted Monday on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud and obstruction of justice.


First elected to the House of Representatives at age 30, after serving only two terms in the House, Stockman was then named Reagan’s first director of the Office of Management and Budget.他是里根政府“ trick窃”经济理论的高度可见发言人。但是,正如斯托克曼所说,与记者预算超出预算的私人对话使里根带他去了“伍兹”。他很快就读于纽约投资银行世界。

The Securities and Exchange Commission for the first time proved a company used insurance to hide its losses.

该机构指责一名手机分销商Brightpoint Inc.的高管通过不当使用保险单来夸大公司的收入。纽约陪审团发现,该公司的董事有责任协助Brightpoint的欺诈行为和其他违反证券法的行为表示SECbob200体育

