发表的文章Ferris, Baker Watts, Inc.

贝克·瓦茨(Baker Watts LLC)的金融行业监管局和加拿大皇家银行财富管理获得的弗里斯unsuitable sales of reverse convertibles对于85岁及以上的老年客户,以及对零售客户的此类票据的监督不足。通过同意解决,投资公司不同意或否认这些指控。

The alleged misconduct took place prior to RBC acquiring Ferris, Baker Watts. As part of the settlement, the brokerage firm will pay close to $190,000 in restitution to 57 account holders for financial losses related to their purchase of reverse convertibles.

FINRAsays that between January 2006 and July 2008, Ferris, Baker Watts allegedly sold reverse convertible notes to about 2,000 retail investors while failing to properly supervise and guide its supervising managers and brokers on how to determine whether their recommendations of the notes were suitable for clients. The investment firm is also accused of not having a system in place that could effectively monitor, detect, and handle possible reverse convertible over-concentrations.

Finra在宣布定居点的发布时,引用了一个涉及摩天的例子,贝克·瓦茨(Baker Watts)向一名86岁的退休社会工作者出售了五个反向敞篷车。这些笔记在不同时间占其投资组合的15%至25%。FINRA表示,对于另一个客户来说,这家投资公司向一名20岁的年轻人出售了五个票据,该票据每年赚取25,000美元。这项投资是客户退休帐户的51%。

FINRA订购Ferris,Baker Watts支付近700,000美元的倒车票据销售,FINRA,2010年10月20日,2010年10月20日

FINRA将RBC财富部门罚款经纪人的“不合适”投资的销售,投资新闻,2010年10月20日继续阅读 >

根据证券与交易委员会行政法bob200体育官布伦达·默里(Brenda Murray)的说法fail to reasonably supervisebroker, Stephen Glantz, who has admitted to his involvement in astock market manipulating schemeinvolving Innotrac Corp. stock. Murray says that Urban performed his job in a “thorough and reasonable manner” and that he was careful and objective.


SEC后来还会发现,格兰兹(Glantz)曾在2005年2月参与TC Healthcare,Inc。股票的未经授权的操纵交易。在违反了1934年《证券交易法》第10(b)条的认罪之后,他于2007年发生了bob200体育被判处33个月监禁,并被命令支付110,000美元的赔偿金

When determining whether Urban, who was Glantz’s supervisor, properly supervised him in a manner intended to prevent securities fraud violations, ALJ Murray noted that per the 1934 Securities Exchange Act, a person cannot be held liable for supervisory deficiencies if the proper procedures that should have detected and stopped the violations were applied and the person had no reasonable grounds to believe that the procedures were not being followed.

法官:贝克·瓦茨(Baker Watts)前弗里斯(Ferris)的前总法律顾问不承担监督犯有证券欺诈的经纪人,巴尔的摩太阳,2010年9月9日bob200体育
Broker Glantz charged with fraud in Innotrac stock scheme, Cleveland.com, September 4, 2007继续阅读 >

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