

同时,AIG回购了其$ 5B的股份,其余的股票将向更广泛的公众提供。在证券申请bob200体育中,保险公司表示,它打算使用$ 3B的短期证券和现金,以及从AIA集团出售股份以回购其股票而获得的收益2B。

Now, underwriters have 30 days to purchase another $2.7B of AIG shares. The deal’s underwriters include花旗集团(C),德意志银行,AG(DB),瑞士信贷(CS),高盛集团(GS)(GS),富国银行(GS),富国银行(WFC),JPMorgan(JPM),加拿大皇家银行(RY)RBC资本市场分部,美国银行公司(BAC)美林部(MER),,,,摩根士丹利(MS)和巴克莱公司(BCS)。

这是自保释保险人以来政府最大的AIG股票销售。它甚至承诺要在次级损失越来越多的情况下加强AIG的$ 182.3B。作为回报,政府获得了AIG近80%的股份。



据路透社报道,财政部的所有权下降了50%,因为AIG是一家小银行的所有者,美联储将开始将其作为储蓄和贷款控股公司进行监管。This means that AIG will have to be in compliance with the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s new rules, such as the Volcker law, which places a limit on a large financial firm’s being able to have stakes in hedge funds and private equity firms or trade for their own account.

The government’s bailout of AIG after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy about four years ago had totaled $182 billion. Now, Chief Executive Robert Benmosche is saying that the financial rescues, paid back at a profit, have left the insurer positioned for success. The government has also been paid back in huge part the bailout loans it gave to other large financial institutions. However, it still is owed much from its rescues of Chrysler and General Motors and the billions of dollars it used to keep Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac afloat.

Treasury sells big chunk of AIG stock at a profit,,,,Reuters, September 11, 2012

财政部出售更多的AIG股票:$ 20.7B的总削减股份至15.9%,福布斯,2012年9月11日
U.S. Plans $18 Billion Sale of AIG Stock,《华尔街日报》,2012年9月10日

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