Articles Tagged withGPB汽车投资组合

Jeffry Schneider,David Gentile和GPB Capital校长Jeffrey Lash被起诉

Our firm has written extensively aboutGPB资本并指控“投资”是一个巨大的庞氏骗局。纽约东部地区的美国地方检察官起诉了GPB Capital的几名校长,起诉书今天于2021年2月4日未公开。

Specifically, the district attorney incited Jeffry Schneider, David Gentile, and Jeffrey Lash. These individuals were also all arrested today and will appear before local courts for initial appearances in Austin, Texas, Fort Myers, Florida, and Boston, Massachusetts. According to the indictment, Jeffry Schneider, David Gentile, and Jeffrey Lash misrepresented the GPB Capital investments to investors about “the source of funds used to pay monthly distribution payments to investors in several of the GPB Funds, including Holdings I, Automotive Portfolio and Holdings II, and (b) the revenue generated by Holdings I in 2014 and Automotive Portfolio in 2015.” These allegations are also non-exclusive, meaning the prosecuting attorneys are leaving open-ended the totality of misrepresentations that are at issue.


据报道,位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的财务顾问罗伯特·利奥·卢利(Robert Leo Luley)据报道,从GPB Capital Holdings销售并出售了在GPB汽车投资组合中的投资。这家替代资产公司被指控经营$ 1.8B的庞氏骗局,使经纪人和投资顾问能够赚取超过1.65亿美元的佣金。

There are several GPB funds, and all of them have lost money. GPB Automotive Portfolio is GPB Capital Holdings’ second-largest fund.

GPB资本Auditor Makes Decision To Step Down

再次,由于替代资产公司的最新审计师突然辞职,投资者将不得不等待GPB Capital Holdings不断承诺并延迟的经审计的财务。这意味着,在可预见的将来,购买公司的私人安置资金的人将继续不知道他们的投资价值是多少。

这不是第一支审计师暂停其与GPB Capital合作的工作,该公司主要投资于废物管理和汽车经销店,并被指控经营$ 1.8B的庞氏骗局。

After more than two years without disclosing any audited financial statements to investors or regulators,GPB资本Holdings再次错过了为股东提供所需更新的截止日期。这次,截止日期是它自己设定的。这只是困扰着陷入困境的替代资产公司的最新坏消息标题,该公司被指控经营$ 1.5B的庞氏骗局。在其GPB私人安置资金基金的价值下降之后,它还面临着众多投资者的索赔,在某些情况下,价值下降了73%以上。

一旦拥有涉及汽车经销店和废物管理的资产1.8B美元,私人发行人现在正在调查联邦调查局(FBI), 这US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 这Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA),,,,and multiple state regulators. Two of its former business partners are accusing the company of operating like a Ponzi fraud.

Prime Automotive Group CEO Fired After Suing GPB Capital

根据InvestmentNews,,,,alternative asset management companyGPB资本Holdings已通知投资者和保管人,其不同的私人安置基金最近遭受了25-73%的价值损失。它是最大的资金,GPB汽车投资组合和GPB Holdings II(结算,这两家公司从投资者那里筹集了1.27B美元),分别经历了38%和25.4%的跌幅。如此重大的损失显然对投资者不利,他们在所有GPB资金中统称为1.8B美元投资了约1.8B美元。

These private placement funds are invested mostly in waste management and car dealerships and they, along with GPB Capital Holdings, have come under intense scrutiny by both the government and investors. Set up in 2013, the company last year suspended all redemptions involving its funds. An auditing company retained by GPB Capital stepped down in November not long after questions regarding the company’s accounting practices and sales methods arose.


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