Texas Securities Fraud: Houston Investment Advisor Gets Five Years for Defrauding Investors and Prison Sentences are Rendered in $6.4M Diamond Investor Fraud Case

劳伦斯·艾伦·德赫特勒(Lawrence Allen DeShetler)将在联邦监狱服役60个月德克萨斯州投资者欺诈。The Houston man pleaded guilty to mail fraud earlier this year after he fraudulently solicited $1.9M from five clients.



Earlier, the Texas State Securities Board accused the Houston financial adviser of recommending that one client cash out an IRA. DeShetler then used these funds on restaurant expenses, country club costs, and other bills. The state has since revoked his registration as an investment adviser in Texas.


Texas Sentences Two Men In $6.4M Diamond Investment Fraud
In otherTexas securities fraud新闻,德克萨斯州北区的美国检察官宣布,克雷格·艾伦·奥特森(Craig Allen Otteson)和杰伊·布鲁斯·海姆伯格(Jay Bruce Heimburger)因参与640万美元的钻石投资骗局而被判刑。这两个人今年早些时候认罪。

奥特森(Otteson)是Stonebridge Advisors LLC的CCO,也是Worldwide Diamond的普通合伙人,将入狱121个月,并支付超过470万美元的赔偿金。海姆伯格(Heimburger)是全球钻石主要合作伙伴,并注册为JBH证券代理商,被判处97个月的徒刑。bob200体育他也必须支付超过470万美元的赔偿金。第三名被告休斯顿居民克里斯托弗·阿诺德·吉恩戈(Christopher Arnold Jiongo)将于本月晚些时候被判刑。



The indictment contends that from ’11 through ’13, the three defendants “fraudulently collected” more than $6.4M from 77 investors. They also are accused of causing letters with false statements to be sent to the Texas State Securities Board and American Safe Retirements.

As part of his plea deal, Otteson signed documents stating that he and Heimburger took part in the diamond investment fraud to bilk investors through their false promises and fraudulent representations, as well as by fraudulently hiding from investors that their money was used for purposes other than buying and reselling diamonds. Also, Otteson admitted that he and Heimburger caused a sales agent to fraudulently sell nearly $1.9M of promissory notes to 23 California investors.

我们的德克萨斯证券bob200体育欺诈律师事务所与全州的投资者合作。立即联系Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd Llp。我们还代表整个美国的投资者。


两名北德克萨斯男子因在640万美元的钻石投资欺诈计划中被判刑,,,,Justice.gov, November 9, 2017


Expanded Texas Securities Case Indicts Six in Multimillion Dollar Pump-and-Dump Scam,股票经纪欺诈博客,2017年7月21日

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