
Texas Investment Adviser Suspend for Violating Earlier Securities Agreement
德克萨斯州证券委员会违反了过去的bob200体育协议,该协议限制了他的业务活动,并要求212个咨询小组加强对他的监督,因此德克萨斯州证券委员会已暂停投资顾问约翰·迈克尔·麦克唐纳(John Michael McDonough)90天。该协议是要求他在2015年与佐治亚州公司合作时在德克萨斯州获得注册投资顾问的一项要求。

当时,金融行业监管机构已经批准了麦克唐纳(McDonough),他曾经在Axa Advisors,LLC注册,指控他从事“外部业务活动”和许多未公开的私人证券交易。bob200体育他被罚款1万美元,并被自我调节组织暂停。

Earlier this year, the Texas State Securities Board found that McDonough was in total violation of the undertaking agreement. Meantime, 212 Advisory was found to have failed in making sure that McDonough did not engage in any supervisory-like acts nor did it ensure that a firm principal was appointed as his direct supervisor.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has obtained a final judgment by default in its case against Jay Mac Rust. Rust, a lawyer, saw his license suspended by the State Bar of Texas for three years because of his alleged in involvement in a securities scam.

根据SEC的说法,Rust和Christopher K. Brenner进行了未公开的高风险投资,甚至从寻找商业贷款的小企业主的托管帐户中偷走了资金。现在,生锈必须支付超过19.1万美元的差异和判决前利息,以及近16.1万美元的民事货币罚款。


Houston Man Involved in $6.4M Diamond Investment Scam Must Pay Almost $3.8M in Restitution
In Texas, Christopher Arnold Jiongo is ordered to serve 46 months in federal prison and pay more than $3.78M in restitution because of his involvement in a multi-million-dollar diamond投资骗局。他在5月对电汇欺诈表示认罪。同时,Jiongo在骗局中的同谋,杰伊·布鲁斯·海姆伯格(Jay Bruce Heimburger)和克雷格·艾伦森·奥特森(Craig Allenson Otteson)最近因在钻石投资者计划中的角色而获得了97个月和121个月的联邦监狱任期。

The indictment against Jiongo accused him of drafting the $50K diamond notes that he and the other two men used as investment vehicles to make money. When the three men discovered in 2011 that their original plan for the investments would not succeed, they failed to disclose what was happening to all involved, including to investors. Instead, they continued to misrepresent that investors’ money would be used to purchase and resell diamond and that all funds were fully secured. As a result, claim prosecutors, more than $6.4M was fraudulently raised from 77 investors.

我们的德克萨斯证券bob200体育律师代表全州的投资者。联系牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯(Kantas)有限公司有限责任公司今天。


秒Obtains Judgment Against Attorney Who Defrauded Escrow Clients in Securities Fraud Scheme,,,,秒,,,,November 21, 2017

Houston Man Sentenced in $6.4 Million Diamond Investment Fraud Scheme,Justice.gov,2017年11月21日

Texas Securities Fraud: Houston Investment Advisor Gets Five Years for Defrauding Investors and Prison Sentences are Rendered in $6.4M Diamond Investor Fraud Case,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2017年11月10日

Finra Bars NY经纪人在盲人高级投资者帐户中过度交易,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2017年11月9日


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