Theranos和创始人伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)被指控涉嫌7.5亿美元欺诈

美国证券交易委bob200体育员会已针对其首席执行官兼创始人伊丽莎白·福尔摩斯(Elizabeth Holmes)及其前总统拉梅什·巴尔瓦尼(Ramesh Balwani)提起欺诈指控。监管机构辩称,他们进行了一年的欺诈行为,从投资者那里筹集了超过7亿美元的欺诈行为。

According to the SEC’s complaint, the three of them made statements that were false, exaggerated, and/or misleading regarding the company’s business, finances, and technology. They purportedly did this in presentations to investors, media articles, and product demos.



An example that the SEC cites in its press release of inaccurate claims made by Theranos, its CEO, and ex-president, is that the US Department of Defense had sent the company’s products to an Afghanistani battlefield using medevac helicopters and that this resulted in over $100M in revenue. In reality, said the Commission, the government didn’t get these products and Theranos only made slightly more than $100K in revenue that year.

Theranosand Holmes are settling the SEC charges but without denying or admitting to them. Holmes will, however, pay $500K, is barred from serving as a public company director or officer for a decade, and must give back the 18.9M shares she acquired during the alleged fraud. She also has to surrender her voting shares of Theranos.



TheranosFaces More Litigation and a Criminal Probe

华尔街日报reports that a lot of Theranos investors, which include some incredibly high net worth individuals and well-known investors, have lost almost the full value of their investments. For example, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch reportedly lost over $100M.

Theranos已经解决了对冲基金投资者和Walgreens提起的诉讼,该诉讼引入了Theranos Lab测试中心的数十家药店,并计划在其更多商店中这样做。





随着LJM保存和增长基金的价值下降并宣布关闭,投资者遭受损失,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, March 1, 2018

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