Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc (BofA Securities and Merrill)

Merrill Lynch,Pierce,Fenner&Smith:合并和收购

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. was founded in 1914. Once a publicly-traded United States investment bank, it was acquired byBank of America (BAC)在2008。

Merrill Lynch merged with Bank of America Securities, LLC to become Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML). In 2019, the latter was split into BofA Securities, Inc. and Merrill Lynch, which was rebranded as Merrill.


BOFA bob200体育Securities是美国银行的投资银行部,其总部位于纽约。它提供了与研究,合并和收购有关的主要经纪交易商和经纪人的活动和服务。他们还从事股本和债务资本市场,交易,贷款,风险管理以及流动性和支付管理。

In 2011, while still called Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Merrill Lynch investing was ranked number two globally. In terms of revenue among other investment banks, the firm had a7.4% global market share.

Merrill (Formally Known as Merrill Lynch)

也是总部位于纽约的Merrill,是BOFA的投资和财富管理部门监督$2.3 trillion in client assets.像BOFA Secubob200体育rities一样,美林(Merrill)提供主要经纪和经纪公司服务。该部门还经营一个名为Merrill Edge的电子交易平台。

Also, under Merrill, there are:

  • 美林林奇财富管理
  • 美林指导投资
  • Merrill Private Wealth Management for high-net-worth individuals, families, and businesses
Bank of America Acquisition of Merrill Lynch

这次收购发生在金融危机期间,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)沦陷,拯救美林林奇(Merrill Lynch)免于申请破产。当时,该公司正在争夺几个非常公开和备受瞩目的失误。

例子包括其作为主要承销商参与基于抵押的抵押债务义务(CDO)市场。许多CDO最终失败了。2009年,Rabobank向Merrill起诉称为Norma的CDO,债券保险公司MBIA起诉“ ML系列” CDO。

美林还被指控歪曲了涉及的风险mortgage-backed securities (MBS)to investors. According to Bloomberg, in 2008, the firm lost $51.8 billion on these investments during次级抵押贷款危机。

Our经纪欺诈律师represent retail investors, high net worth individual investors and institutional investors. We help in recovering losses sustained due to broker negligence or misconduct of Bank of America Securities or Merrill stockbrokers.


近年来,美林林奇(Merrill Lynch)参与了几个客户纠纷,FINRA仲裁案件和SEC申请。以下是各种值得注意的披露。

  • 2020:Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)命令美林林奇支付720万美元的赔偿金。他们还将向那些支付不必要的销售费用和其他过多收费的客户支付利息。
  • 2019: Merrill Lynch consented to pay over$8M to settle US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)。这些指控是关于该公司处理“预先释放”的美国存款收据(ADR)监管机构的指控,认为美林林奇(Merrill Lynch)不当借用。他们是从不拥有支持他们所需的外国股份的经纪人那里借来的。结果,外国发行人的可交易证券被夸大了,发生了滥用行为,包括股息套利和不合适的卖空。bob200体育该公司同意将超过440万美元的不坦率收益,28.9万美元的罚款和72.4万美元的审判利息。
  • 2018: Merril Lynch agreed to pay$42M penaltiesSEC指控指控该公司误导了经纪公司有关交易场所的误解。
  • 2018:SEC罚款的美林林奇$5.2M for lying to customersabout residential mortgage-backed security (RMBS) prices. The firm agreed to repay向那些受到财务伤害的客户提供1,050万美元。
  • 2016年:美林林奇不仅同意付款$415M for misusing customer funds但也承认有不法行为。其中包括参与特定的复杂期权交易,同时人为地降低了储备帐户中所需的客户现金存款。美国银行的子公司使用了数十亿美元,在2009年至2012年之间为交易活动提供资金。

For over 30 years, our securities fraud lawyers have fought for investors. We have collectively recovered millions of dollars for our clients through FINRA arbitration, mediation, and litigation. SSEK Law Firm has the necessary skills, experience, and resources to go after the largest firms on Wall Street.

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    Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LTD LLP Law Firm Provides Legal Counsel for Claims Against Merrill Lynch



    Call us at (800) 259-9010 or通过我们的网站与我们联系to arrange a free confidential consultation with an attorney to discuss your experiences with an investment advisor or financial firm which resulted in losses.

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