FINRAFines Merrill Lynch $6M For Supervisory Failures and REG SHO Violations

金融业监管机构正在罚款和谴责Merrill Lynch,Pierce,Fenner&Smith的成立为250万美元,因为他们不设置,维护和执行与某些领域有关的监督程序和系统,包括SHO,包括SHO。自我监管组织正在罚款Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. 350万美元,也用于违反Reg Sho。美国银行(BAC)2008年收购了美林林奇(Merrill Lynch),将向FINRA支付600万美元的罚款。

Reg Sho是SEC的规则,负责短期销售。它的目的之一是遏制滥用赤裸裸的裸销售。该法规还旨在通过要求公司及时“关闭”以类似类型和数量的方式来及时“关闭”失败的证券,以降低忽略卖方及时交付证券的事件。bob200体育它使公司可以合理地将失败职位分配给促成或造成这些职位的经纪公司客户。

According to the SRO, from 9/08 through 7/12, Merrill Lynch PRO failed to close out certain fail-to-deliver position, and, for most of that period, lacked the necessary procedures and systems to handle REG Show close-out requirements. FINRA said that from 09/08 through 3/011, the firm’s supervisory systems and procedures were not sufficient, making it possible for the firm to improperly allocate fail-to-deliver positions to the brokerage firm’s clients on the basis of clients’ short positions while not having to heed clients played a part in the fail-to-deliver positions.

8月,正是美国商品期货交易委员会对美林林奇(Merrill Lynch)罚款120万美元。监管机构指控经纪公司的监督不足,这导致客户收取至少1/10至4/13的费用。在没有接受或拒绝调查结果的情况下达成和解。

The CFTC claims that for over two years, there were problems with firm’s process for fee reconciliation, which involves noting and fixing discrepancies between the invoices from exchange clearinghouses and how much customers were charged. Because of this, some Merrill clients were undercharged and others were overcharged. This resulted unexplained extra fees of $451,318 that were paid by 196 clients.

该机构表示,美林林奇(Merrill Lynch)未能雇用合格的员工监督和执行费用核对,并且至少在去年至少直到去年,才向员工提供有关如何执行费用和解的完整手册。工作人员接受了如何进行费用核对的培训。

FINRA将Merrill Lynch罚款600万美元,以违反Reg Sho和监督失败,FINRA,2014年10月27日

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