
汇丰银行will pay a $765M penalty over claims involving its packaging, marketing, and sale of residential mortgage-backed securities prior to the 2008 economic crisis. According to the US Attorney Bob Troyer, from the beginning HSBC employed a due diligence process that it knew was ineffective, “chose” to place faulty mortgages in deals, and disregarded these problems even as it sold the RMBSs to investors. As a result, contends the US government, investors, including federally-insured financial institutions that bought the HSBC Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities that were backed by faulty loans, sustained “major losses.”


The US alleges that even when a number of loans were marked as low grade, HSBC “waived” them through or regraded them, and concerns about loans that had defaulted right away were purportedly disregarded. The bank even allegedly continued to buy loans from an originator who was found to likely be providing loans that were fraudulent.

Nomura Holding America(NMR)及其许多分支机构将支付4.8亿美元以解决residential mortgage-backed securities fraud claims。据美国司法部称,金融控股公司知道它将有缺陷的抵押贷款包装到证券中,并且对投资者的质量差而不诚实。bob200体育结果,包括退休基金,联邦保险金融机构和大学捐赠的投资者遭受了巨大的损失。

Nomura is accused of telling investors that the loans met due diligence scrutiny when they either had been based on appraisals that were fraudulent or did not satisfy underwriting guidelines. The federal government contends that even after Nomura’s own due diligence team cautioned that loan originators were “extremely dysfunctional” and that the RMBSs were problematic, the company didn’t change the way it marketed the securities to investors.


这并不是野村第一次为解决抵押贷款证券欺诈相关的索赔而必须支付的费用。bob200体育该公司与苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)一起支付了8.39亿美元,以解决联邦住房金融机构代表抵押机构Freddie Mae和Fannie Mac提起的MBS欺诈案。

不幸的是,许多投资者损失了钱,因为银行在住房崩溃之前将其以不良质量或错误贷款支持的抵押支持证券出售。bob200体育其他一些银行与联邦监管机构有关抵押支持证券欺诈索赔的索赔包括bob200体育JP Morgan Chase (JPM),,,,which paid $13B,美国银行(BAC),以$ 16.65B的价格和德意志银行(DB)以7.2b美元的价格定居。

RMBS Fraud Attorneys
我们的RMBS欺诈律师在Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,LLP代表机构投资者为追回投资损失而战。您与我们的第一次咨询是免费的,没有义务案件咨询。我们还与高价值的个人投资者和机构投资者合作。



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