Investors Want JP Morgan Chase & Co. To Explain Over $95B of Mortgage-Backed Securities

将他们的资金放入超过$ 95B的抵押支持证券的机构投资者希望受托人监督bob200体育JP Morgan&Chase。公司- 发行的证券来bob200体育弄清楚是否由于承销错误而不应包括某些贷款。美国银行,纽约梅隆银行,富国银行,汇丰银行和花旗银行是受托人。

PIMCO and BlackRock Inc. are two of the institutional investors requesting the investigation. According to their legal representatives, the group of investors represent over 25% of voting rights on 243 residential mortgage-backed securities. The institutional investors want to know whether mortgages that were not eligible ended up included in the collateral backing the bonds. The investor group is the same one that reached an $8.5 billion securities settlement withBank of America。(The 22 investors include the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Black Rock Inc., Goldman Sachs Asset Management, MetLife Inc., and PIMCO). However, the settlement is still pending and has been challenged by other mortgage bondholders.

与目前要求的调查有关,JP Morgan及其不同的武器在2005年至2007年之间发行了证券。包括华盛顿Mutual和Bear Stearns的债券。bob200体育JP Morgan在2005年至2008年之间向投资者发行了约4500亿美元的住宅MBS。该本金中约有1690亿美元已发行。

A lot of the loans were not originated at JP Morgan, but the investment bank and its other entities did buy them. JP Morgan has contented that it should be the originator that should buy back the loans that were part of the securities contract.

据《纽约时报》报道,如果投资者通过应用与达到美国银行协议的相同损失率与JP Morgan定居,那么这一数字可能会达到约19亿美元。同时,JP Morgan必须抗衡约310亿美元的证券集体诉讼。bob200体育

由于与抵押相关的问题,从2010年开始,JP Morgan向其诉讼储备提供了85亿美元。在第三季度末,投资银行的抵押回购储量为36亿美元。



抵押贷款投资者将J.P. Morgan放在杂毛中,,,,The Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2011

美国银行以85亿美元的和解,,,,CNN, June 29, 2011

Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Settles for $315 million Class Action Lawsuit Over Mortgage-Backed Securities,机构投资者证券博客,2011年12月6日bob200体育

FDIC对美国银行提议的$ 8.5B $ 8.5B的证券的$ 8.5B和解。bob200体育,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, August 30, 2011

据称涉嫌参与J.P. Morgan Securities LLC抵押债务义务,对投资顾问的某些SEC指控被驳回bob200体育,机构投资者证券博客,2011年9月24日bob200体育

If you believe that you suffered losses because of mortgage-backed securities issued by JP Morgan & Chase or any other financial firm, our institutional investment fraud lawyers at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LTD LLP want to hear from you.

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