摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)获得500万美元的监督失败罚款,涉及83股IPO股票销售

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (MS) will pay a $5 million fine for监督失败涉及其顾问向零售投资者索取83个IPO中的股票。金融业监管机构表示,该公司缺乏适当的培训和程序,以确保销售人员知道“有条件报价”和“兴趣指示”之间的区别。


FINRA认为,这些问题与摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)几年前从花旗集团(C)收购史密斯·巴尼(Smith Barney)有关。SRO除了继承更高的净资产客户外,摩根士丹利最终还是与可能没有获得所需培训的财务顾问。

Firms are allowed to solicit for “indications of interest” in an initial public offering before the registration statement becomes effective. These are not binding and may only lead to the purchase of shares if the investor reconfirms the intent to buy after the date that the statement went into effect. As for “conditional offers to buy,” these can result in a binding deal after the date that the statement becomes effective as long as the investor doesn’t do anything to rescind it before the firm accepts.


SRO指责摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)有监督失败,包括未能正确监控合规性和安装程序以确保以满足FINRA规则和联邦证券法要求的方式征集条件报价。bob200体育据称,监督失败一直持续到2013年5月1日。一些股票甚至通过包括Yelp和Facebook在内的社交媒体出售。

Read FINRA’s Action to Morgan Stanley (PDF)

Finra Fines Morgan Stanley $5 Million Over IPO Rules,《华尔街日报》,2014年5月6日



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