SEC在董事招聘中未能遵循人事管理指南的$ 10万美元

根据监察长办公室的说法,在雇用亨利·胡(Henry Hu)担任风险董事部以及人事管理办公室提供的准则时,不必遵守自己的做法,证券和交易委员会不必要地花费了100,000美元。bob200体育这些发现的详细信息在上个月下旬发布的一份报告中提供了这些发现。


特别是对此事的错误是前SEC执行董事迭戈·鲁伊斯(Diego Ruiz),他的人事管理办公室说,他是​​主要负责在他为委员会工作时支付HU生活费用的要约的人。鲁伊斯(Ruiz)辞去了该机构的辞职,据称还参与了SEC滥用其独立租赁机构的滥用。因为鲁伊斯不再与代理机构在一起,所以不会对他采取任何纪律处分。

在他写了关于高盛的一本专栏文章后,SEC与HU接触。In his article, Hu talked about how the financial firm’s use of credit default swaps related to its loans to AIG had resulted in an distorted incentive because it let Goldman Sachs not have to deal with economic exposure to losses on the loans even as it retained its right to call the loans. SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro later offered him a position at the agency as head of a new unit that would colloquially be called the “Office of Smart People.”

The SEC paid back the University of Texas 314,198.26 for Hu’s benefits and salary. The agency also spent approximately $120,000 to cover Hu’s plane fare, living costs, and housing. The per diem that Hu was given was a first for the SEC and not in line with OPM guidelines.


通常,联邦雇员将获得9,000美元的搬迁津贴。但是,据报道,SEC主席玛丽·沙普里奥(Mary Schaprio)告诉《 OIG》,她认为与HU的协议类似于以前与SEC的其他招聘安排。


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Read the OIG Report(PDF)


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Bill Funding SEC at $1.185B for Fiscal Year 2012 Approved by House Committee,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年6月24日

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