
美国证券bob200体育交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)为恢复2007年提案的努力,该提案将修改与客户保护,净资本,通知以及经纪交易商的书籍和记录有关的1934年证券交易法,使一些市场参与者感到不安。该提案旨在处理与经纪交易商财务要求有关的关注领域并更新这些公司的财务责任规则,最近,SEC再次开放了置评,直到2012年6月8日在2012年6月8日the wake of the regulatory developments and economic events that have developed since 2007 and due to the public’s continued interest.

但是,作为我们的bob200体育证券欺诈律师事务所刚才提到的,并不是每个人都用张开双臂欢迎这一举动。Earlier this month, BOK Financial Corp. (BOKF) wrote a letter to the SEC arguing that the proposal doesn’t factor in certain significant changes that have taken place since 2007 and that “key justifications” for specific proposed modifications appear to be based more on that time period rather than “current conditions.” Also voicing its disapproval was the National Investment Banking Association, which noted that the proposal fails to include numerical values or statistics that represent the present atmosphere. NIBA also pointed to the “unprecedented changes” that have followed since the proposal was introduced five years ago.



也就是说,有些人支持该提议。In a letter to the SEC, the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association said that it believes the proposed measures would “marginally increase” broker-dealers’ financial stability while decreasing the risk of public investors that succeed in FINRA arbitration proceedings not being able to collect the damages that they are awarded through these proceedings. PIABA even believes that the proposal should additionally require that all broker-dealers have errors and omissions insurance to cover client claims to make sure that these financial firms are able to pay these arbitration awards.

SEC竞标2007 B-D财务责任提案的一些声音担忧,BNA/彭博,2012年6月18日




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