Securities Crimes: Ex-Pharmaceutical Executive Martin Shkreli Pleads Not Guilty to New Criminal Charge & Andrew Caspersen’s Lawyer Says Former Wall Street Trader is a Gambling Addict

Martin Shkreli, the former chief executive of Retrophin Inc., has pleaded not guilty to a new charge of conspiracy. Shkreli was arrested last year for allegedly plotting to bilk the pharmaceutical company to cover up losses sustained by investors in his hedge funds. He was let go as CEO two years ago.


什克雷利的前埃文·格里贝尔(Evan Greebel)也对这一最新指控不认罪,他在涉嫌计划时是Retrophin的外部顾问。希腊人还面临许多刑事指控。

The two men are accused of allegedly lying to investors about the poor performances of MSMB Capital Management, Elea Capital Management, and MSMB Healthcare, all hedge funds, from ’06 to ’12. They also allegedly took money from Retrophin to pay bad market bets of the MSMB funds.

Shkreli成为Turing Pharmaceuticals AG的首席执行官,他提高了Daraprim的价格,Daraprim是一种用于治疗可能致命的寄生虫感染的药物的价格,提高了5,000%。药物的价格从$ 13.50/丸到750美元/丸。


在另一个备受瞩目的刑事案件中,安德鲁·卡斯珀森(Andrew Caspersen)的律师安德鲁·卡斯珀森(Andrew Caspersen)是一位前华尔街高管,被指控经营庞氏骗子骗局,该骗局使亲戚,朋友和一个近4000万美元的对冲基金基金会对赌博的上瘾。卡斯珀森(Caspersen)告诉法官,他正在接受心理健康问题和强迫性赌博习惯接受治疗。

贾斯森不认罪bob200体育证券欺诈and wire fraud charges against him.

制药高管马丁·什克雷利(Martin Shkreli)对证券欺诈无罪bob200体育,,,,Los Angeles Times/AP, June 6, 2016

Andrew Caspersen, Charged in $40 Million Fraud, Had Gambling Addiction, Lawyer Says,《纽约时报》,2016年6月14日

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