Securities Roundup: FINRA Tells Broker Dealer to Cease-a-Desist Its Allegedly Fraudulent Sales, SEC Supports Creation of Variable Annuities Summary Prospectus, & US Supreme Court Hears Amgen & Comcast Appeals to Shut Down Class Action Lawsuits

FINRA已提交了临时的停止命令,禁止WR Rice Financial Services Inc.和其所有者Joel I. Wilson参加所谓的欺诈性销售活动以及资产或资金的转换。SRO也正在提交securities complaint指控密歇根州的经纪公司Wilson和其他注册代表都向大约100名投资者出售了超过450万美元的有限合伙利益,同时抛弃或歪曲了物质事实。


In other securities news, the SEC’s Division of Investment Management director Norm Champ recently stated that the Commission’s report on retail investors and their financial literacy gives basis for creating a summary prospectus for variable annuities. Speaking via teleconference at the American Law Institute-Continuing Legal Education Group conference on life insurance products on November 1, Champ reported that investors in the study agreed that the mutual fund summary prospectuses were user-friendly. He expressed optimism that a summary prospectus for variable annuities could give significant disclosures and related benefits if designed and implemented well and that the framework used for the mutual fund summary prospectus should prove to be an effective model.


Also earlier this month, the US Supreme Court heard appeals involving twoclass action securities fraud被告寻求关闭针对他们的诉讼的投诉。案件是Amgen V. Connecticut Retirement PlansandTrust Funds and Comcast v. Behrend

Biotech公司Amgen Inc.正在打击索赔,该主张据称其关于其两种贫血药物的错误陈述人为地膨胀了其股价。问题是,如果Amgen关于Meds Epogen和Aranesp确实影响了股价,原告是否应该在早期阶段证明。在康卡斯特案中,原告指控有线电视提供商在费城地区的某些地区不公平地上涨,因为其垄断了。在这项诉讼中,大法官也在考虑原告是否应该更快地证明其案件。两项证券诉讼的结果可能会对未来的类似集体诉bob200体育讼产生巨大影响。


FINRAFiles Cease-and-Desist Order Against WR Rice Financial Services and its Owner Joel Wilson for Fraudulent Conduct, FINRA, November 5, 2012




California Securities Lawsuit Claiming Negligent Misrepresentation Over Allegedly Flawed Bond Offering Documents May Proceed, Says District Court,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, November 13, 2012



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