Thousands of Madoff’s Ponzi Scam Victims Have Yet to Get Any of Their Money Back

Eight years after Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison for defrauding investors in a $65 billion Ponzi scam, thousands of his victims have still not seen any of the money that they lost. These investors’ claims are being handled by Madoff Victim Fund administrator Richard Breedon, whose firm RCB Fund Services was retained by the federal government to give $4B back to them.

Breeden had estimated last year that up to 40,000 victims would get their first recovery checks by the end of 2016. That didn’t happen. Now, he has stated that the initial distribution will happen this year and will be larger than what would have gone out previously. Claims processes and inadequate paperwork by some investors were some of the reasons cited for the delay.

It is Breedon’s job to recommend to the federal government which claims to reject or pay. His fund accepts recovery claims from all of types of investors who entrusted their money to Madoff, including feeder funds. Breedon’s fees come out of investors’ recovery.

同时,根据美国司法部的数据,到2016年,布雷顿(Breedon)就这些事项的服务获得了3880万美元的费用。这笔付款的披露是因为Bloomberg Newssubmitted a Freedom of Information Act filing regarding his billings.

The victim’s compensation fund that Breeden is handling was established in 2012 after the federal government took $2.4B from the estate of one of Madoff’s investors, Jeffry Picower. In 2013, the fund gained another $1.7B in the wake of a forfeiture deal withJPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)该银行被麦道夫(Madoff)使用,被指控无视他的庞氏骗局。

幸运的是,还有其他麦道夫投资者开始看到他们的一些钱。自2009年以来,负责监督麦道夫公司清算的任务的欧文·皮卡德(Irving Picard)已向受害者发行了超过9B美元。他还提起了许多诉讼,以获取资产,以帮助促进投资者资金的回报。但是,他的基金遵守美国法律的规定不同于Breeden负责的法律。

Picard only deals with claims from investors who had direct accounts with Madoff. Earlier this year, he distributed $252M to customers who had 953 accounts at Madoff’s firm. He too has made a lot in fees.InvestmentNews报道说,2015年,他告诉ABC新闻that his firm could collect up to $1B by the time recovery efforts are complete. The fees to Picard don’t come out of investors’ funds but, rather, from the Securities Investor Protection Corp.

麦道夫(Madoff)欺骗了各行各业的投资者,包括普通投资者,高净值投资者,名人和其他著名的民间,饲养基金和机构。他的受害者清单在线发布Wall Street Journal(see below). Over the weekend, HBO premieredThe Wizard of Lies, a movie on Madoff and his Ponzi fraud starring Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer. His family claims that they did not know he had been bilking investors for all those years.

联系SSEK Partners Group今天要求您的免费案例评估。我们代表高价值的个人投资者和机构客户在恢复他们的securities fraudlosses.

Madoff fund has paid zero to fraud victims so far,今天美国,2017年5月23日

Madoff Client List, Wall Street Journal (PDF)
