U.S. Supreme Court Decides That 401(k) Retirement Participants Can Sue for Losses Under ERISA

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that individual participants in 401(k) retirement plans can sue to recover their loses under the federal pension protection law.


得克萨斯州索斯莱克的詹姆斯·拉鲁(James Larue)提出了这样的主张,称他的401(k)计划的价值下跌了15万美元,当时该计划的管理人员未能按照他的指示转向更安全的投资。但是,计划管理员的律师声称法律只允许将损失恢复到“计划”,而不是计划中的个人参与者的损失。


约翰·保罗·史蒂文斯(John Paul Stevens)法官为法院发表了意见,该意见推翻了上诉法院的裁决。史蒂文大法官认为,艾丽莎(Erisa)允许拉鲁(Larue)先生的主张说:“信托不当行为不必威胁整个计划的偿付能力,即可将福利降低到参与者原本收到的金额以下。”

Unlike those enrolled in traditional pension plans, employees in 401(k) plans choose from a menu of investment options, meaning they make the investment decisions concerning their pension assets. It was thought by many that this would immunize plan administrators from claims of mismanagement. However, today’s Supreme Court decision holds that plan administrators can be held liable, at least for failing to follow instructions of a plan participant.



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