举报人案件:SEC向另一个提示者颁发了几乎1MK奖励,摩根大通是IRS举报人案件中的被告,涉及养老基金,以及在员工诉讼后通过Wells Fargo出售某些定期终身保险政策的审慎性停止

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said that it has awarded a whistleblower over $900K for a tip that allowed the regulator to bring multiple enforcement actions. The regulator announced the award just a days after it awarded another whistleblower $3.5M, also for coming forward with information resulting in an enforcement action.

Since 2012, the regulator’s whistleblower program has awarded about $136M to 37 individuals. The SEC protects the identities of whistleblowers, which is one reason it doesn’t disclose details about the enforcement cases.

It is against the law for companies to retaliate against employers for turning whistleblower, and there are protections, as well as remedies in place in the event of retaliation. Whistleblowers who provide the SEC with unique and helpful information that makes it possible for a successful enforcement action rendering over $1M in monetary sanctions are entitled to 10-30% of the funds collected.


Another, albeit unrelated, whistleblower lawsuit currently making headlines is the one recently filed against摩根大通公司(JPM)由前雇员。该公司去年支付了超过3亿美元的费用,以解决监管机构声称,指责银行不告诉富人的客户正在将他们指导他们自己的资金。当时,摩根大通(JPMorgan)承认有无意间的披露失误,并承诺提高透明度。


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Prudential Whistleblower Rocks the Boat on Wells Fargo Scandal,,,,Bloomberg, December 19, 2016


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