

Bank of America’s areas of banking includes investment management, financial management, risk management, investment banking, wealth management, and commercial banking.

Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Acquisition

Bank of America’s acquisition ofMerrill Lynch,Pierce,Fenner&Smith,Inc。in 2008 saved the latter from bankruptcy. It also made BofA the world’s largest financial services company, the leading underwriter of global high-yield debt, the number three largest underwriter of global equity, and the ninth biggest adviser on global mergers and acquisitions. While the deal was originally valued at $50B, Bank of America shares dropped soon after the merger closed and the final price ended up being around $29.1B.

美林(Merrill Lynch),皮尔斯(Pierce),芬纳(Fenner)和史密斯(Smith)成为美国两个部门:美国银行美林(BAML)(BAML),现为Bofa Securities和Merrill Lynch(现为美林)。bob200体育

美国银行跨bob200体育国投资银行部的BOFA Securities提供与合并,收购,贷款,股本和债务资本市场,风险管理,交易,流动性和支付管理以及研究相关的服务。

美林(Merrill)是美国银行的投资和财富管理部门,总部位于曼哈顿。Merrill拥有14,000多名财务顾问,负责监督2.3万亿美元的客户资产。它还运行电子交易平台Merrill Edge。

Our experienced investment fraud attorneys at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (SSEK Law Firm at investorlawyer.com) represent investors who have suffered losses because of the疏忽or misconduct of a BofA Securities, Merrill Lynch, or another Bank of America broker or financial advisor.

SSEK Law Firm has recovered many millions of dollars for retail investors, retirees, businesses, institutional investors, and high-net-worth individual investors and their families. Contact us at (800) 259-9010 today.


Since the 2008 financial crisis, Bank of America has been the subject of numerous investigations, lawsuits, and controversies. Here are several of them:

  • 2009:从陷入困境的资产救济计划(TARP)获得了45B美元的救助资金之后,并可能另外$ 5.2B的政府救助货币通过美国国际集团(AIG)(AIG),美国银行还清了45B美元,并留下了该计划。这是在美国立法者对计划接收者如何支出资金的担忧之后发生的。
  • 2009: 这bob200体育证券交易委员会(SEC)美国银行罚款3300万美元,以支付高达580万美元的美林奖金的协议,在决定是否批准收购时,股东没有被告知股东。支付了约3.6b美元的$ 3.6B,其中包括至少一个人的3300万美元奖金。委员会宣布罚款几周后,一名联邦法官批准了将罚款提高到1.5亿美元的修订​​版。
  • 2010:美国银行支付了1.377亿美元,包括2500万美元国税局(IRS)解决市政债券欺诈指控。美国政府指责美国银行欺骗医院,学校以及州和地方政府组织。
  • 2012:集体诉讼证券欺诈诉讼指责银行没有bob200体育在合并投票以2.4B $ 2.4B的方式解决之前,在合并投票下方之前,有关美林的关键信息。
  • 2014:为了解决其出售有毒次级贷款和其他抵押贷款与抵押贷款证券的指控,美国银行同意与美国司法部达成近17B美元的和解。bob200体育这包括向市政当局,养老基金,房主和借款人支付$ 7B,这些贷款因贷款错误而损失了。
  • 2014: Bank of America agreed to pay $6.3B to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae over mortgage fraud claims accusing Countrywide, which the bank acquired in 2008, of approving mortgage loans to risky borrowers while making taxpayers guarantee billions of dollars in bad loans. BofA also agreed to repurchase $3.2M of mortgage bonds from Fannie and Freddie.
Other Key Acquisitions Made by Bank of America Since 2000

In addition to acquiring Merrill Lynch in 2008, Bank of America has also acquired several financial institutions and registered broker-dealers. Below, is a list of some of the key acquisitions made by Bank of America in the last two decades.

  • 2004:Fleetboston Financial,当时是美国第七大银行,价格为47B美元。
  • 2005:信用卡巨头MBNA $ 35B(现为FIA卡服务),使BOFA成为领先的外国和国内信用卡发行人
  • 2006:美国信托公司的Charles Schwab Corp. $ 3.3B。
  • 2007: LaSalle Bank Corporation from ABN AMRO for $21 billion.
  • 2008:Countrywide Financial(现为美国银行房屋贷款),价格为$ 4.1B
Seasoned Investment Fraud Attorneys

For over 30 years, SSEK Law Firm has successfully represented thousands of investors. Our savvybroker fraud lawyers不怕为我们的客户与美国银行或其他任何大华街公司作斗争。


SSEK律师事务所代表投资者收回了数百万美元。称呼(800) 259-9010today or在线与我们联系

    Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LTD LLP Law Firm Can Assist in Claims Against Bank of America


    我们公司的每个律师和工作人员都致力于协助投资者收回因不合适,过度份额,欺诈,虚假陈述,自我交易,未经授权的交易或其他不法行为而导致的损失,无论是故意的还是疏忽的。我们已经针对数百家大型和小型投资公司处理了一千多个案件,包括针对美国银行银行公司(Bank of America)公司统治下的Banc of America证券和其他公司的索赔。bob200体育


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    "I am going to miss conversations with you, Sam Edwards. You’ve been a wonderful lawyer and a friend. I loved learning legal jargon from you. But, even more, it is your self-respect and commitment to your position that I admire and your persistent patience-your equanimity. With great appreciation, thank you!" M.B.
    "My experience with Ryan Cook has been very positive. Through every step of the litigation he explained what to expect to happen. When I spoke with him later he reviewed the process. He was very patient, and I never felt rushed. I have already told friends how wonderful he is." L.R.
    “我希望您知道,我非常感谢您的专业知识,努力和指导,这导致了与雷蒙德·詹姆斯(Raymond James)的令人满意的解决方案。从我们的第一次会议开始,我感到“听到”,我的处境和故事得到了尊重。我与你们中的任何一个人进行互动 - 亲自通过电子邮件或电话 - 仅证实了这种感觉。您代表像我这样的人所做的出色工作,但不知道如何驾驶上诉/像您一样的调解/仲裁过程。我将永远感激不尽。” M.L.
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