
Replying to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.)’s worries about the IPO process, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro wrote him a letter that, while standing by the existing structure, acknowledged that the Commission does need to take a look at the rules involving the “quiet period.” Per the rules, companies are not allowed to talk about their stock price to an offering during this time. Issa had recently told her that the SEC and Congress needed to take a more in-depth examination of both the way IPO’s are being priced and current communication restrictions.


尽管Schapiro在她的32页回复中没有谈论Facebook IPO,但她认为,沟通规则让承销商和公司采用不同的方式来弄清合适的证券价格,同时确保所有潜在的投资者都可以访问信息,以获取信息bob200体育是一致的。她还谈到了安静的时期是如何确保所有投资者查看发行人的发行文件以获取有关IPO的信息的。夏皮罗(Shapiro)承认,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)应该研究当前的限制,她坚决确保IPO有适当的监管结构是“委员会保护投资者,促进资本形成并维持公平和有序的市场的任务不可或缺的”。

评论Issa和Schapiro之间的交流bob200体育证券律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd)这样说:“证券市场现在以经扭曲的速度运作,但bob200体育是技术进步可以在两个方向上运行。更好的技术可以使所有参与者受益。但是,更好的技术也可能不利于最高的科技金融公司。SEC应该记住其保护投资者免受此类差异的作用。如果任何投资者提供更多信息,所有人都应轻松获得。”

Specifically addressing the “quiet period”, Shepherd, who is the founder of a stockbroker fraud law firm that represents clients throughout the US, said, “The required ‘quiet period,’ when a new issue is eminent, should not be violated to benefit a few, as was the situation during the Facebook initial public offering. Rather than working on plans to change the ‘quite period’ rules for the future, the SEC should first file charges against those who broke the current rule.”




Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LLP已经帮助数千名投资者恢复了损失。
