赫奇基金经理马丁·什克雷利(Martin Shkreli)被判犯有证券欺诈bob200体育

陪审团发现前制药首席执行官兼对冲基金经理马丁·什克雷利(Martin Shkreli)有罪bob200体育证券欺诈关于他的两项对冲基金,MSMB Capital和MSMB Healthcare以及阴谋涉及他创立的药品公司Retrophin股票的证券欺诈。bob200体育

Prosecutors had said that Shkreli misled investors, losing their money on bad stock picks while scheming to try recover millions of dollars of these losses. At one point, Shkreli claimed he had $40M in one hedge fund when it had only $300 in the bank.

That said, prosecutors experienced some challenges in proving their criminal case against the ex-hedge fund manager. For example, during the trial, a number of rich Texan financiers admitted that Shkreli’s scam made them money, sometimes even double or triple of what they invested, when Retrophin’s stock went public.

Shkreli于2015年因指控他从Retrophin中获得了1100万美元的股票和现金来偿还对冲基金投资者。在此之前,当他将抗寄生虫药的达拉普里姆(Daraprim)的价格从13.50美元提高到750美元时,他引起了很多负面的关注。该药物来自Turing Pharmaceuticals AG,​​这是Shkreli创立的另一家公司。他激怒了这么多人的价格上涨,以至于在他的刑事审判中考虑了很多候选人,因此必须被驳回,因为他们已经对他产生了非常负面的感觉。


During his defense, Shkreli’s lawyers tried to argue that no one appeared to have been harmed in the long run by his fraud. They noted that while hedge fund investors sometimes had to wait months or even years, ultimately they did profit, as did Retrophin shareholders.


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马丁·什克雷利(Martin Shkreli),被定罪的证bob200体育券欺诈,阴谋,CNN,2017年8月4日

“ Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli在欺诈审判中被定罪,纽约邮政,2017年8月4日

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