Bill Funding SEC at $1.185B for Fiscal Year 2012 Approved by House Committee

The House Appropriations Committee has voted to approve an appropriations bill to bill fund the Securities and Exchange Commission for fiscal year 2012 at $1.185 billion. The appropriations level is equivalent to what the SEC was given for FY 2011. However, it is $222 million less than what the White House requested for the next fiscal year. The bill also would bar the funding of the SEC’s “reserve fund,” which the committee believes would work as a “slush fund” for the SEC for programs that Congress has not approved.

据委员会主席众议员哈尔·罗杰斯(Hal Rogers)(R-Ky。)表示,众议院拨款委员会已采取措施为“无效且未经证实”的计划提供了措施,并阻止纳税人资金用于浪费和冗余。The committee, however, also reports that it continues to be troubled by the way the SEC handles its funds and is “reticent” to give the commission more funding until it deals with the efficiencies noted in the Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) report, which recommends important structural and operational improvements at the Commission. It remains worried about the SEC’s ability to successfully handle Ponzi scams and has concerns that a proposed rulemaking to register municipal advisors may be too broad.

Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas Ltd Llp创始人和bob200体育证券欺诈律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd),“一次,SEC是实际为我们政府产生收入的少数机构之一(与美国国税局和内政部一起租赁联邦矿产等)。在我看来,如果该机构只是为诸如这样的行动施加重罚款,那么该机构可能会再次自筹资金short-selling rule violations。该委员会的一个有趣的声明是“我们为无效和未经证实的计划削减了资金。”从SEC最近的表演来看,为什么这几乎不包括所有委员会的计划”?



Key House共和党人质疑的Boston Consulting Group的SEC报告公正性报告,机构投资者证券博客,2011年3月30日bob200体育
MSRB 2011年2月21日,机构投资者证券博客对市政顾问的新信托义务规则寻求公众意见。bob200体育
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