
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas has tossed out a would-beclass action securities lawsuitchallenging BP plc’s (BP) cancellation of a 2010 first quarter dividend announcement after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Per the court, the plaintiff did not demonstrate that BP or subsidiary BP American had minimum contact with the state of Oregon and failed to succeed in making out a prima facie case for specific jurisdiction over BP. Oregon rules were applied to this case, said the court, because the claim was originally submitted to the U.S. District for the District of Oregon.

The Deepwater Horizon rig was involved in a blast on April 20, 2010. Seven days later, BP said its Board of Directors announced that $0.84/ADS was the quarterly dividend for the year’s quarter and that this would be paid to “shareholders of record as of May 7, 2010” on June 2, 2010. The plaintiff contends that even though BP gave shareholders assurances that the dividend would be paid, due to pressure from the Obama Administration and the US Congress, on June 16 it announced that first quarter dividend was now canceled.

原告的诉讼提出了各种索赔,以使BP偿还股息。但是,由于缺乏管辖权,法院已提出了案件。地方法院说,原告没有提出任何事实,暗示美国在俄勒冈州以BP或“要求”的行动(如果有的话)。因此,原告没有成功地满足其产生足够的证据的负担,以证明BP是具有“连续有系统的业务联系”的子公司的公司父母,该公司将近似于“俄勒冈州的实体存在”。法院还说,即使原告能够证明BP美国与俄勒冈州没有最低限度的联系,原告也没有恳求BP America和BP之间的代理关系,以使法院“将被告授予被告” BP的任何理论联系美国。同样,根据法院,没有事实暗示BP与导致此诉讼因由的国家直接联系。

Suit Over BP’s Dividend Cancellation After Deepwater Disaster Is Dismissed, Bloomberg/BNA, July 9, 2012

Glenn v. BP plc,Justia,2011年8月10日


As BP Oil Spill Reaches Crisis Mode, A Number of Wall Street Analysts Placed “Buy” Rating On the Company’s Plunging Shares,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, June 22, 2010

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