Linsco私人分类帐客户文件FINRA仲裁索赔指责前财务顾问Raymond Londo运行数百万美元的庞氏骗局

A number of FINRA arbitration claims have been filed accusing former林斯科私人分类帐(LPL)财务顾问雷蒙德·隆多(Raymond Londo)的经营数百万美元的庞氏骗局向投资者欺骗。索赔声称欺诈,conversion依,虚假陈述和遗漏以及疏忽。LPL被指控未能监督,发现和停止investment fraudscheme within a reasonable amount of time even though there were numerous signs, such as red flags and customer complaints, to indicate that Londo should have been more closely supervised or even fired.

Per the FINRA statement of claim, for nearly 10 years Londo accepted funds from LPL clients. He told them that he was investing their money in an LPL account where he could help them avail of exclusive investment opportunities. The former LPL financial adviser would then take the money he was supposed to invest and used it to support his lavish lifestyle and gambling addiction.




2008年,其前经纪人之一LPL Financial和Michael McClellan失去了180万美元的仲裁索赔,指控他们犯有证券欺诈,违反证券法,未经授权的交易,违反信托税以及其他违法行为。bob200体育

Former Financial Advisor Faces Stock Fraud Arbitration over Multi-Million Dollar Ponzi Scheme,,,,Lawyers and Settlements, April 9, 2010
bob200体育证券欺诈律师事务所Shepherd Smith Edwards&Kantas Ltd Ltd Llp调查Ray Londo,Londo Financial Group和Linsco Private Ledger,不当贷款/借贷客户资金,,,,October 20, 2008

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