bob200体育证券欺诈: Mutual Funds Investment Adviser Cannot Be Sued Over Misstatement in Prospectuses, Says US Supreme Court

在5-4的裁决中,美国最高法院对securities fraud lawsuitsthis week when it ruled inJanus Capital Group诉First衍生交易员,第09-525号共同基金投资顾问不能因基金招股说明书的错误陈述而被起诉。为多数人撰写的著作的克拉伦斯·托马斯(Clarence Thomas)法官说,只有该基金才能承担违反SEC规则的责任bob200体育。

The fund and its adviser were closely connected. Janus Capital Group, which is a public company, created Janus Investment Fund, which then retained Janus Capital Management to deal with management, investment, and administrative services. However, in its appeal to the nation’s highest court, Janus argued that the funds are separate legal entities. He said that the parent company and subsidiary are not responsible for the prospectuses, and they therefore cannot be held liable. The investors filed their securities fraud lawsuit after the New York attorney general sued the adviser in 2003.

原告声称,资金披露文件错误地表明,顾问将根据基金估值延迟实施政策来遏制战略。问题是,是否可以说顾问发出了SEC规则所解决的误导性陈述。托马斯法官说不。他指出,尽管顾问写了纠纷中的话,但该基金是发出的基金。同时,撰写《异议人士》的史蒂芬·格雷耶(Stephen G. Breyer)法官说,英语中没有什么可以阻止某人说,如果几个不同的政党在发表声明中发挥了作用,那么他们都在制造它中发挥了作用。

Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas创始人以及股票经纪人欺诈律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd)说:“随着华尔街欺诈的束缚,监管机构无视现有的规则,立法者屈服于游说者,以稀释旨在减少瘟疫的新立法。然而,作为一名律师,当“激进主义者”法官(尤其是最高法院法官)成为受害投资者的人身边时,我感到最沮丧。在1930年代和1940年代,通过法律来规范华尔街。然后,我们的资本市场成为全球投资者的避风港,并成倍增长。现在,我们似乎处于“底部比赛”,华尔街越来越类似于时代广场 - 每十英尺都有一个笨拙的人。”


Janus Capital Group诉第一衍生交易者,美国最高法院(PDF)


Wells Fargo Advisors LLC Agrees to $1 Million FINRA Fine for Securities Charges Related to Mutual Fund Prospectus Delivery,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年5月12日

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