前MF全球首席执行官Jon Corzine解决CFTC带来的500万美元带bob200体育来的证券欺诈案

MF Global Inc.的前负责人Jon S. Corzine已到达bob200体育证券和解在美国商品期货交易委员会中,他将因参与该公司非法使用近1B美元的客户资金而支付500万美元的罚款,并且无法正确监督这些资金的处理方式。联邦法官已批准了该交易。


Corzine与SEC的和解协议是在他解决了与MF Global有关的大部分私人诉讼之后。当无法核算近1B美元的客户时,投资者和行业就会陷入困境。幸运的是,自那以后,受托人为投资者(既是个人又是对冲资金,都为他们归属的投资者收回了丢失的资金。这笔钱是隔离的客户资金,不适当地用于为期货委员会的专有业务及其分支机构提供资金,并向FCM客户支付涉及客户资金的提款和经纪公司证券客户的支付。bob200体育

Corzine, formerly New Jersey’s governor and once a Democratic senator, had bet big on European sovereign debt after joining the firm as chairman and CEO in 2010. Although the bets could have been profitable, they weren’t enough to rescue MF Global from its other problems. Prior to having to file for bankruptcy, the firm overdrew an account atJP Morgan Chase(JPM)那时,客户资金的不当转移增加了。

According to the CFTC’s order, MF Global violated the agency regulations and the Commodity Exchange Act when it did not handle, treat, or account for customers’ segregated funds as belonging to these customers, did not properly segregate these funds— commingling their segregated funds with other funds— and used customers’ funds to operate MF Global and its affiliates.

尽管Corzine没有直接与缺少资金有关,但由于他担任控制人员,因此发现他对MF Global的违规行为负有责任。

同时,CFTC指控MF全球员工协助和教con挪用客户资金。前MF全球雇员Edith O’Brien与SEC达成和解。奥布莱恩(O’Brien)曾担任公司助理财务主管,负责监督MF Global的财政部。她将支付50万美元的罚款,并被禁止与期货经纪人合作18个月。

CFTC解决了对MF Global及其母公司的先前指控。CFTC表示,MF全球滥用客户资金并承担了相关的监督失败。期货经纪人被命令支付1.12B美元的赔偿金和1亿美元的罚款。该母公司还被命令与MF Global和1亿美元的罚款分别支付1.212B $ 1.212B。


