机构投资者综述:前Indymac高管集体诉讼证券案件为650万美元,纽约美联储从AIG Bailout出售8.28亿美元的抵押债务证券bob200体育,调查说,25%

The former executives of IndyMac Banccorp have consented to settle class-action securities lawsuit related to bank holding company’s collapse when the housing bubble burst. Per the settlement terms, the financial firm’s insurer will pay investors $6.5 million in cash.

IndyMac shareholders had gone after ex-CEO Michael Perry and ex-finance officer Scott Keys in 2008, contending that they had misled investors about the mortgage lender’s poor financial condition. A month later, federal bank regulators closed down IndyMac Bank. Although the two of them are settling, they were not required to admit to any wrongdoing.

“Again, no jail time for anyone,” commentedShepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LLP创始人和股票经纪人欺诈律师William Shepherd





Although this leaves 76% of respondents saying that breaking the law or acting unethically is never necessary to move on up,bob200体育证券律师牧羊人said, “Only one in four? Is that supposed to be a good record? Over a million people are licensed to sell securities or act as financial advisors in the U.S. So, a quarter of a million financial professionals admit they feel obliged to break the rules from time to time? Most of these people work with dozens if not hundreds of clients. So, is there a question as to whether Wall Street needs tighter restrictions?”

Former IndyMac Chief Settles Suit,《华尔街日报》,2012年7月8日

Many on Wall Street think cheating breeds success,MSNBC,2012年7月10日


德克萨斯州证bob200体育券综述:摩根士丹利·史密斯·巴尼(Morgan Stanley Smith Barney)起诉财务顾问的庞氏骗局,法官驳回了前任高管举报人对他的解雇的诉讼,而前斯坦福大学金融集团CIO恳求妨碍SEC的调查。,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2012年7月3日

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