KKR& Co. Will Pay Nearly $30M to Settle SEC Charges of Misallocating Broken Deal Expenses

美国证券交易委员会bob200体育宣布Kohlberg Kravis Roberts&Co。(KKR)将支付近3000万美元的罚款,其中包括1000万美元的罚款,以解决该指控,即其将超过1700万美元的“破碎交易”费用误解了其旗舰私募股权资金。根据监管机构的说法,在2011年结束的六年期间,KKR产生了3.38亿美元的勤奋费用,也称为损坏的交易成本,与未能成功的收购机会以及其他类似的费用有关。

这是SEC首次对私募股权顾问收取破损交易成本的分配。在有关期间,KKR负责监督两个资金池 - 私募股权基金及其共同投资工具。随着私人股票资金投资302亿美元,KKR共同投资者与资金一起投入了46亿美元。然而,即使该公司从共同投资者那里筹集了数十亿美元的交易资本,但旗舰资金最终承担了这些破损交易的所有费用。

The SEC said that as a result of the firm’s allocation practices, firm insiders and certain major clients who had invested via the co-investment vehicles benefited as none of the broken deal costs were allocated them for years even as they also availed of deal sourcing activities. The regulator said that not notifying investors of its allocation practices was abreach of fiduciary duty由KKR。

It was just last year that the regulator chastised the industry for hidden fees in funds and the shifting of certain expenses onto investors without telling them. In January, KKR gave investors back money after the SEC accused the firm of wrongly charging them for certain expenses and not properly notifying them about certain fees.

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