
美国华盛顿西部地区的美国地方法院说,华盛顿金县已辩护足够的事实来继续其bob200体育证券欺诈诉讼指责美林林奇,,,,Merrill Lynch,Pierce,Fenner和Smith Inc.Merrill Lynch Money Markets Inc.促进其购买据称有毒抵押贷款支持的证券并违反《华盛顿州证券法》。bob200体育被告曾试图驳回证券欺诈投诉。bob200体育

根据原告,被告在2007年通过Mansail II和Victoria Finance向King County出售了超过1亿美元的有毒资产。当时,该县想进行保守的投资。不久之后,曼赛尔失败了,维多利亚被降级为“垃圾”,并处于负面的信用观察。


地方法院说,根据州证券法,对遗漏和虚假陈述的民事责任既有安全卖方又附加了在出售中发挥重要作bob200体育用的当事人。The court found that the defendants of this securities case, as pleaded by King County, are “sellers” under the Washington State Securities Act and that the county wouldn’t have bought the MBS if it hadn’t been working with Merrill Lynch and its subsidiaries. The court also found that the county had adequately pleaded control person liability, as well as sufficiently alleged that the defendants had omitted or misrepresented the facts. It decided not to dismiss the county’s breach of contract claim accusing the defendants of failing to warn about the risks involved in the MBS investments.
