
Our New Orleans Broker Fraud Law Firm Represents Bayou State Investors

整个路易斯安那州,牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯·路易斯安那(Kantas Louisiana Finra)律师(investorlawyers.com) represent clients who are seeking to recover damages from the broker-dealers and financial advisors responsible for their losses. This usually entails filing a FINRA lawsuit against a financial firm on behalf of an investor in a bid for damages.

Proving that your investor losses were caused by broker misconduct can be tough, and going throughFINRAarbitration is not the same as going to court. This is just one reason why you want to work with savvy securities fraud attorneys that not only understand how this forum works but also have a record of successful case outcomes in this kind of legal venue.

Why Do You Want Seasoned New Orleans FINRA Lawsuit Lawyers Representing You?

30多年来,我们的信任Metairie,La Finra律师在新奥尔良,大都市地区一直在为仲裁,调解和诉讼而为客户而战。我们已经代表路易斯安那州投资者针对全州和整个美国的经纪交易商,包括华尔街上最大的金融公司。


VisitFINRAArbitration FAQs了解更多信息。

Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas是一家仅专门代表投资bob200体育者的证券律师事务所。与我们合作的人中有90%以上已经获得了完全或部分的财务回收率。当保证后,其中包括经纪公司的六位数和七位数中的奖励和定居点,这些经纪公司的过失或不当行为导致了严重的投资损失。




在牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯(Kantas)的情况下,投资者获得了个性化的法律关注。我们花时间很好地了解您以及您的证券欺诈案的情况。bob200体育当仲裁员小组听到您的主张时,他们不仅知道您是谁,而且会知道您和您的亲人如何受到所谓的经纪人的疏忽或不当行为的影响。

Read our客户评论找出与我们合作的感觉。

Because we work on a contingency basis, the investors who retain our services will only pay us for any financial recovery they receive and never out of their own pockets.


From our Metairie securities law office, we work with retail investors, retirees, senior investors, accredited investors, high-net-worth individual investors, and institutional investors in pursuing the financial recovery they are owed because their financial advisors engaged in unsuitable investment recommendations, overconcentrated their portfolio with too-risky/now failed financial products, excessively traded in their account, made misrepresentations and omissions, or committed some other type of broker fraud or misconduct.


Lakeway Two
3850 N Causeway Blvd #200-B
梅塔里,,,,LA 70002

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