Articles Posted inFINRA律师

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Opens Securities Fraud Law Firm Branch in Lexington, KY

Representing Kentucky Investors Against Brokerage Firms Throughout the United States

我们在Shepherd Sbob200体育mith Edwards和Kantas的经验丰富的证券诉讼律师(BOB体育很高兴地宣布,我们现在在列克星敦设有律师事务所。尽管我们代表肯塔基州的投资者已有30多年的历史,但当地客户可以来到我们位于E. Reynolds Road的新位置。

Our Skilled ETF Fund Investor Loss Attorneys Continue to Investigate Brokers Over Alerian MLP And Others


Shepherd Smith Edwards&Kantas,LLP投资者损失律师(仍BOB体育然努力调查可能不合适的投资投资的经纪公司Alerian MLP ETF(AMPL)to investors leading to significant losses in their portfolios. Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas Investor Loss Attorneys has already represented a number of investors who lost substantial savings in AMPL and similar risky/poor-performing funds.

Recoup Your GPB Investor Losses in Securities Arbitration

如果您是遭受损失的投资者GPB资本持有,您也许可以起诉您的经纪交易商,因为据称是$ 1.7B庞氏骗局的一部分,这些私人位置不合适。不幸的是,据称他们的经纪交易商说服了超过17,000名投资者,包括许多零售客户和年长的退休人员,认为投资于GPB资金之一是一个可靠的投资机会。相反,他们遭受了重大投资损失。同时,GPB Capital的主要高管正面临监管和刑事指控,以及投资者提起的诉讼。



如果您是投资有担保收入集团的人,您可能会从2022年9月,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提起的民事诉讼中,指控房地产投资公司,其所有者/总裁Max McDermott和bob200体育投资者关系代表史黛西·波特(Stacey Porter)经营涉嫌1亿美元的欺诈行为。据报道,包括许多未获得认可的投资者在内的投资者提供了990万美元的“有担保债券”。

Secured Debentures were touted as safe, “CD-like” even, only with a higher yield. Secured Income Group claimed that it would hold the loans it made, as well as corresponding security interests while collecting income from them. It was from this income that investors were told to expect 6% to 9% in interest rate payments. Instead, many of them have suffered significantinvestment losses.

前旧金山财务顾问被禁止在对JP Morgan提出的超过1亿美元的投资者索赔之后

Nearly a year after FINRA Lawyers, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( won a $4 million Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim againstJP摩根证券bob200体育,前明星经纪人参与Edward Turley, has been now barred from the industry. Turley, who was the financial advisor in at least nine recently filed customer complaints alleging unauthorized and excessive trading, has consented to the bar. Turley’s former clients are claiming that they suffered over $100 million in investment losses.

总部位于弗朗西斯科的前弗朗西斯科财务顾问于2021年8月被摩根大通证券(JP Morgan Securities)解雇。上个月,正在调查bob200体育针对他的指控的FINRA要求Turley提供有关其交易模式的证词。这将包括涉及利润和外币的模式,以及首选股票和高收益债券的买卖。图里拒绝了。他拒绝作证违反了FINRA规则8210,该规则要求经纪人与执法调查以及FINRA规则2010,该规则要求为FINRA成员提供高标准的商业荣誉。

Why Privately Traded REITS Are Too Risky For Most Retirees

并非所有投资都适合所有人,这就是为什么您的经纪交易商有责任仅推荐和出售适合您的金融产品,鉴于您的年龄,风险承受能力水平,财务目标和投资经验。包括退休人员在内的年长投资者特别容易受到高风险,不合适的投资建议的毁灭性后果。如果您是退休人员,他怀疑可能是由于经纪人的不当行为或疏忽而造成的重大财务损失,则应联系Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas REIT投资欺诈律师(BOB体育 今天。

老年投资者对FSC Securities和Louisiana经纪人Craig Accardo提bob200体育起FINRA诉讼

Seasoned Northstar (Bermuda) Investment Loss Lawyers Representing Latin American Investors

Six-Figure Brokerage Firm Arbitration Claim Filed Against Truist Investment Services

两年后Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)filed for bankruptcy protection, the number of Latin American investors who are seeking to pursue damages from their broker-dealers for unsuitably recommending annuity-like products from this offshore entity continues to grow. At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (, our skilled investor loss attorneys are representing many of these investors in Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitrations.

Alleged Unsuitability and Due Diligence Failures May Be Grounds for a FINRA Lawsuit

如果您是财务顾问向您推荐TCA全球信贷资金之一的人,则可能有理由起诉您的经纪交易商赔偿损失。在2020年,TCA基金管理集团公司和主要高管被指控犯有证券欺诈,包括涉嫌欺诈地夸大了其许多资金的净资产价值和绩效成果。bob200体育据称,这导致数百名投资者在离开其资金时被欺骗,据称该资金持有约5.16亿美元的严重麻烦。附属公司TCA全球信贷基金GP Ltd.还被指控犯有投资者欺诈。


为什么与熟练的FINRA律师事务所合作会增加您恢复GWG L债券损失的机会


While broker-dealers all over the United States earned high commissions and fees from selling GWG L Bonds to clients, including to retail investors and retirees for whom these risky life-settlement-backed bonds were unsuitable, many of these customers are continuing to grapple with their investment losses. Now, withGWG Holdings, Inc.,which issued $1.6B of these high-yield junk bonds, in bankruptcy proceedings, investors’ best bet for recouping their losses is by filing a Financial Industry Regulatory (FINRA) arbitration claim against their brokerage firm.


如果您是来自拉丁美洲,中美洲或南美的投资者,他们被推荐并出售Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) products by a US-based brokerage firm, you should speak with our variable annuity investment fraud lawyers right away. Unfortunately, it appears that despite looking to the United States for a safe haven for their assets, many foreign nationals were unsuitably sold Northstar (Bermuda) fixed- and variable annuity products from this offshore entity by US-based financial advisors. If you fall into any of the above categories, you may need to contact a FINRA lawsuit attorney.

人们只能假设经纪交易商在出售NorthStar Financial Services(Bermuda)投资所赚取的高佣金和费用据称比寻找这些客户的最大利益更为优先。许多受害者是散户投资者和年长的投资者,包括退休人员,他们现在在六个数字中遭受了损失。
