FINRA律师代表前摩根证券的客户bob200体育Broker Ed Turley

Former San Francisco Financial Advisor Is Barred Following Over $100 Million in Investor Claims Filed Against JP Morgan

在FINRA律师,Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas(赢得了400万美元的金BOB体育融业监管局(FINRA)仲裁索赔之后近一年JP Morgan Securities,,,,the former star broker involved,爱德华·图里(Edward Turley),现在已被禁止该行业。特利(Turley)至少九名最近提交了客户投诉,指控未经授权和过度交易,他已同意律师资格。Turley的前客户声称他们遭受了超过1亿美元的投资损失。

The ex-San Francisco-based financial advisor was fired by JP Morgan Securities in August 2021. Last month, FINRA, which was investigating the allegations against him, asked Turley to provide testimony about his trading patterns. This would have included patterns involving margin and foreign currency, as well as the buying and selling of preferred stock and high-yield bonds. Turley declined. His refusal to testify violates FINRA Rule 8210, which requires brokers to cooperate with enforcement investigations, as well as FINRA Rule 2010, which requires high standards of commercial honor for FINRA members.


他人的例子broker fraud misconductallegations against Ed Turley include misrepresentations, the unauthorized exercise of discretion, unsuitable investments, and selling away.


图里(Turley)被指控为几乎所有客户使用“千篇一律”的投资策略。Turley所谓的投资计划包括一项固定收入的信贷差价投资策略,该策略涉及优先股,高收益/垃圾债券,交易所交易资金(ETF),外国债券和Master Limited Partneys(MLPS)。为了采用这种信贷差异策略,而不是在常规保证金帐户中购买证券,据称从事外币交易以筹集资金并利用客户的帐户,以便他可以赢得一个未bob200体育公开的委员会。不仅如此,据称Turley将继续过度浓度和过度利用这些风险,流动性不佳的投资。这导致了巨大的投资损失。对于他的许多客户而言,在2020年初,在19020年初期,损失是在Covid-19大流行病开始时市场波动之后的数百万美元。



High-Net-Worth Investors At Risk of Becoming the Victims of Broker Fraud


How Can You File A FINRA Lawsuit Against JP Morgan Securities?

作为他被注册的经纪交易商,JP Morgan有责任正确监督最高赚钱的财务顾问Turley。这包括监视其客户帐户中的活动,并确保没有颁布不合适的建议或未经授权的交易。

Unfortunately, the fact that Turley was considered a star broker may have compelled JP Morgan Securities to ignore any red flags that showed he was engaged in broker misconduct. This is alleged broker-dealer negligence.

Our savvy FINRA lawyers are continuing to represent investors who worked with Turley in their securities fraud claims against JP Morgan Securities. To file a FINRA lawsuit for financial recovery, you need to work with skilled brokerage firm FINRA Lawyers like SSEK who have the experience and resources to go after a big Wall Street firm like JP Morgan Securities.

FINRA律师,,,,Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas by your side, we can help you determine whether you have grounds for an investor loss claim. Should we agree to work together, we will prepare a solidFINRAarbitration claimon your half and fight for you. To schedule your free, no-obligation case assessment, call (800)259-9010today.

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