
According to theAARP投资欺诈脆弱性研究,由AARP欺诈手表网络发布的,参与不受监管的投资的活跃的年长投资者可能更容易受到投资欺诈的影响。214名被视为普通投资者的公众采访了214名欺诈受害者。





· They’re typically open to sales pitches and to answering remote sales pitches.

AARP欺诈网络的首席研究员道格·沙德尔(Doug Shadel)指出,如果年长的投资者能够确定她是否对风险行为有倾向,这可能会使人更加注意这种趋势,他/她可能会避免使用变得容易受到欺诈。

Shadel cautioned consumers to only work with brokers and investment advisers that are regulated.



· Almost six in ten fraud victims reported getting at least one investment sales call monthly.

· More than four out of 10 fraud victims made at least five investment choices within a year, while only one out of ten general investors made that many choices in that same timeframe.



Although not addressed by this particular study, other risk factors that may make an older investor susceptible to financial abuse and fraud include, poor physical health, mental impairment, dependence on others, and isolation, the latter of which may involve not having enough of a community or support. A 2010 national study found that fraudsters are likely to be deterred when they know there are other people looking out an older investor.

即使监管机构为对老年财务欺诈的肇事者提供了成功的案件,您或您所爱的人与经验丰富的高级欺诈律师事务所的工作很重要,他们可以帮助试图弥补损失。立即联系Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd Llp,并要求您的免费案例咨询。我们帮助数千名投资者恢复了他们的投资。



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