
根据波多黎各当地新网站的说法Noticel.com,,,,the US Territory’s Financial Oversight and Management Board, which has chosen Brown Rudnick as its claims advisor, will pay the law firm $790 an hour—a figure that reportedly will rise 4% annually and does not include its team’s travel expenses that the island’s government will also pay for. Considering that the Fiscal Oversight Board was appointed to help Puerto Rico restructure its financing and deal with its over $70 billion of debt, there are significant questions as to whether this is the best allocation of the island’s limited financial resources.

另一个本地新闻来源,加勒比海业务,报道说,布朗·鲁德尼克(Brown Rudnick)的工作将是帮助董事会的特别索赔委员会研究可能是由于Kobre&Kim最近进行的债务调查结果所产生的索赔。争端和调查国际律师事务所已将600页报告在几个月前出版的调查中。

布朗·鲁德尼克(Brown Rudnick)任命的消息几乎是在无抵押债权人官方要求发现以研究可能的主张。根据加勒比海业务,委员会想知道波多黎各政府是否对第三方有主张,委员会认为Kobre&Kim在调查过程中没有调查过。
