Why You Should Hire Experienced Investor Lawyers to Represent You


Our Investor Lawyers At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas May Be Able To Help

If you are an investor who lost money because your financial advisor committed broker fraud or was in breach of their fiduciary duty, you may be able to obtain compensation for your losses. Our seasoned Investor Lawyers at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (BOB体育InvestorLawyers.com)花了数十年的时间与零售客户,退休人员和富裕的投资者合作,以寻求经纪公司及其财务顾问的损害。

How Do You Know Whether Financial Advisor Fraud or Negligence Was Involved?

This will be difficult to determine without the help of expert investment fraud lawyers. One reason for this is that not all financial losses are a result of broker misconduct or negligence. Some investment losses are, in fact, normal. However, there will be instances when you should definitely pursue damages from your broker-dealer.

You want to work with skilled financial advisor negligence attorneys who know how to thoroughly examine your portfolio, the activity in your account, your investing goals, any information your broker gave you, what happened to your investments, and the total losses you sustained.

Remember, that broker negligence doesn’t have to be intentional. If your financial advisor did not provide you with the appropriate or standard level of care to which you are entitled, and you lost money, this may be enough to pursue damages.

Why You Should Hire an Experienced Investor Lawyer to Represent You

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, our knowledgeable investor law firm will conduct a thorough investigation of your losses. This includes gathering key documents and other evidence to prove why you are entitled to financial recovery. We know the right financial experts who can assess how much in damages you suffered and testify for you.


牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯(Kantas)将利用我们在证券行业的数十年经验以及仲裁过程来热心代表您和您的投资损失索赔,bob200体育并在FINRA仲裁员小组面前。


Broker-dealers require all clients to sign an agreement in which they consent to resolve any disputes between them in front of a FINRA arbitration panel. This is why it is important that you work with adeptFINRA律师who know how the arbitration process works and what it takes to build a solid and convincing claim. Your arbitration panel’s ruling will be final so you don’t want to take any chances by trying to represent yourself or hiring an inexperienced legal team. You also DON’T want to resolve this type of problem directly with your broker-dealer, which will likely be reluctant to admit liability.

It is a fact that investors increase their chances for full financial recovery when they work with accomplished securities lawyers by their side.



What Will It Cost You To Work With Knowledgeable Brokerage Firm Negligence Attorneys?

牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯(Kantas)以偶然性工作。您只有在我们为您收回损失的情况下,您才向我们支付法律服务。这不会从您自己的口袋里出来。相反,这将是从经纪交易商中收回的金额的一部分。

联系我们(800) 259-9010今天,我们可以帮助您确定您是否有经纪交易商疏忽索赔的理由。
