Galleon Group LLC联合创始人Raj Rajaratnam因内幕交易骗局被判处11年徒刑

Raj Rajaratnam, a billionaire investor and co-founder ofGalleon Group LLC,,,,has been ordered to pay a $10 million fine and serve 11 years in jail for his key role in aninsider tradinG型骗局导致了6380万美元的非法利润。他现在必须没收5380万美元。


拉贾拉特南的律师正计划上诉。然而,目前,他们要求他被局限于伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)入狱的巴特纳联邦惩教楼。麦道夫因其数十亿美元的庞氏骗局被判处150年徒刑。

Rajaratnam, who is originally from Sri Lanka was educated in England and the US. He established the Galleon hedge fund in the 1990’s and it became one of the biggest in the world. In 2008, Galleon was managing about $7 billion.

联邦证券调查人员bob200体育开始怀疑麻烦的麻烦,当时,拉贾拉特南(Rajaratnam)提供了SEC文件,以调查他的幼儿兄弟 - 不指控的活动。hold off on purchasing Polycom’s stock. The former employee, Rommy Khan, was already suspected of giving out insider information.

In 2007, Khan consented to help the authorities with their probe. He and several others served as cooperating witnesses that helped the government convict Rajaratnam, who was arrested in 2009.


仍在与骗局有关的调查的是拉贾特·古普塔(Rajat Gupta),他曾担任高盛董事。根据《华尔街日报》和彭博社的报道,对他的刑事指控似乎很可能。检察官认为他是针对拉贾拉特南的内幕交易案中的“同谋”。

The SEC, which dropped its civil administrative proceeding against Gupta, plans to refile its charges in federal court. Meantime, Kamal Ahmed, who was also linked to the insider trading scam, has been fired by Morgan Stanley because he had disclosed confidential information. The government has not accused him of wrongdoing.

SEC还提出了许多bob200体育证券诉讼against at least two dozen individuals and businesses in light of the Galleon investigation.

Trader Draws Record Sentence,《华尔街日报》,2011年10月14日
Accused Rajaratnam Tipster Fired By Morgan Stanley, FIN Alternatives, October 7, 2011

被指控与Galleon Group联合创始人进行内幕交易的前高尔德曼萨克斯董事会成员寻求对他进行SEC行政案件,以下机构投资者证券博客,2011年4月19日bob200体育
德克萨斯人是涉及Apple Inc.,Dell和Advanced Micro Devices的机密数据的Insider Trading Crackdown中被捕的人之一。,股票经纪欺诈博客,2010年12月16日
要安排您的免费案例评估,请联系我们股票经纪人欺诈律师事务所今天。Shepherd Smith Edwards&Kantas Ltd Llp代表了整个美国的投资者。

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