
Can You Sue Your Broker Over Your Investor Losses?

Filing A FINRA Lawsuit With the Help of Skilled Broker Fraud Lawsuit Attorneys

If you suffered investment losses that you believe were caused by the wrongful or negligent actions of your financial advisor, you may be able to pursue damages from them throughFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration。在本论坛中,您可以提交您的证券欺诈诉讼,该诉讼将由FINRA仲裁员小组bob200体育听到。

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (BOB体育InvestorLawyers.com)我们的经纪人欺诈诉讼律师团队一直为散户投资者,退休人员,经验不足的投资者,经过认可的投资者,富裕的投资者,机构投资者和其他人而战,已有30多年了。通过仲裁,调解和诉讼,我们代表成千上万的投资者反对其经纪公司,代表他们共同收回了数百万美元。

Because not all investment losses are caused by the actions of your broker, it is important that you contact our knowledgeable brokerage firm negligence law firm so that we can offer you a free, no-obligation case assessment to determine why your portfolio lost money. Also, while some incidents of stockbroker fraud are obvious and clear, others can be less hard to identify let alone prove unless you know what to look for.


What Are Examples of The Most Common Reasons For Filing a Broker Fraud Lawsuit

不合适:Your financial advisor recommended and sold you an investment, engaged in an investing strategy, or made trades in your portfolio that were unsuitable for you given your investing profile or risk tolerance level.

过度浓度:Your broker concentrated your portfolio with too many high-risk products and failed to properly diversify your investments. This overconcentration led to your investor losses.

Financial product failures: If your brokerage firm unsuitably recommended an investment that ended up failing or proved fraudulent, or your broker made misrepresentations and omissions about the financial product, you also may be able to file aFINRA诉讼。

Failure to properly supervise:您的经纪公司被忽略了,无法正确监督您的财务顾问及其帐户中的错误或粗心大意的活动。

Churning:Also known as excessive trading, your financial advisor made too many trades in your account for the purposes of earning more commissions rather than because it was in your best interests.

Broker misappropriation or theft:您的财务顾问从您的帐户中偷了钱。

How Can Our Savvy Securities Attorneys Help You With Your FINRA Lawsuit?

Should we agree to work together, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas can help gather the necessary evidence (including key documents and records to prove your investor loss case), prepare and file your statement of claim, and represent you before the panel of arbitrators.

Our trustedbob200体育证券律师和team of paralegals, legal assistants, and others have over a century’s worth of combined experience in securities law and the securities industry. We have sued the largest Wall Street brokerage firms to win awards and secure settlements for our investor clients.

FINRA仲裁与上法庭不同,您想要FINRA attorneyswho know how this forum works and have achieved successful outcomes in the past.

Call(800) 259-9010today.
