
根据美国新泽西州地方法院的说法,原告玛丽·安·索沃拉(Mary Ann Sovolella)可以代表八个属于八个属于过度管理费用的可变年金计划的共同资金起诉Axa Axa Equable Life Insurance Co.。根据彼得·谢里丹(Peter Sheridan)法官,《经济现实》和《 1940年投资公司法》第36(b)条的广泛解释赋予了她的立场。被告是AXA Equable Funds Management Group LLC(统称AXA)和AXA公平人寿保险公司(AXA Equable)。

Sovolella代表AXA基金,EQ Advisors Trust和支付投资管理费的人提起诉讼。她声称,收取过多的资金管理费违反了ICA的第36(b)条。被告试图拥有bob200体育证券诉讼由于缺乏法定地位而被解雇。

在雇主纽瓦克学校系统向她提供了机会之后,原告加入了等级递延变量年金计划(由于涉及AXA公平的集体年金合同)。EQ Trust中的八项AXA资金是通过该计划提供给Sovolella的投资组合的一部分。AXA向资金收取投资管理费,这是从基金余额中扣除的,这降低了“原告投资的价值”。


Denying the defendants’ motion to dismiss, the court said that while it doesn’t make “sense to limit standing” in in order to enforce Section 36(b) to AXA or any entity that didn’t pay the fees that were allegedly excessive, Sovolella and other investors that are similarly situated are accountable for and did pay all challenged fees while bearing the complete risk of “poor investment performance,” entitled to direct AXA on how to vote their shares, and when the plaintiff opts to take out her investment in the fund it will be her responsibility to pay the investment taxes. Plaintiff, therefore, possesses an “economic stake” in these transactions.



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我们的共同基金欺诈律师代表因涉及金融业成员而导致投资损失的投资者。立即联系Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LTD。
