US Supreme Court Considers Hearing Stanford Ponzi Lawsuits

The Supreme Court’s justices are looking to the Obama administration for advice about an appeal made to a ruling allowing the victims of R. Allen Stanford’s $7 billion Ponzi fraud can pursue law firms, insurance brokers, and outside parties for damages. The defendants, third party firms, want the court to stop the securities lawsuits, which are based on Texas and Louisiana law. If the court were to hear the appeals, it would put to test the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act, which was enacted so that if a class action lawsuit comes from a misrepresentation issued “in connection” with a covered security’s sale or purchase, investors cannot go to state courts to get around federal limits placed on such claims. The appeals is asking how close that connection has to be for a state lawsuit to be barred.

投资者一直在努力取回他们在斯坦福大学的庞氏骗局中损失的钱,该欺诈行为涉及从他的安提瓜银行出售CD。已经提起了许多证券bob200体育诉讼,在Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LLP,我们的Texas securities fraud lawyersrepresent victims of the Stanford Ponzi scam and other financial schemes.

Our德克萨斯证券bob200体育欺诈律师事务所also continues to provide updates on the different Stanford-related securities litigation on our blog sites:

上个月,投资者原告赢得了涉及《联邦侵权索赔法》的SEC的首场胜利,当时他们的诉讼,Zelaya诉美国在佛罗里达州南区的美国地方法院撤职的动议中幸存下来。原告辩称,该委员会在处理斯坦福庞氏骗局的方式上疏忽大意,并且在发现欺诈方面应立即告诉美国证券投资者保护公司。bob200体育政府已提出一项动议,驳回声称缺乏主题管辖权的动议。然而,小罗伯特·斯科拉(Robert Scola Jr.)同意原告。

在其他斯坦福庞氏骗局新闻中,美国证券交易委员会最近告诉美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院,bob200体育它将对一项裁决提出上诉,该裁决否认其使SIPC保护斯坦福大学投资者的申请。证券案件bob200体育是Secv。SIPC。While Judge Robert Wilkins rejected the SEC’s application, finding that the Ponzi victims that bought the CDs from Stanford’s Antigua-based bank are not, within the Securities Investor Protection Act’s meaning, clients of US-based broker-dealer Stanford Group Co., the SEC told BNA that it doesn’t agree with this ruling.

SIPC maintains that although it sympathizes with Stanford’s victims, the SEC’s theory clearly conflicts with the duties SIPC was tasked with by Congress. Per SIPA, SIPC must provide reimbursement to clients of brokerage firms that failed. The compensation is for cash or securities that have gone missing from their accounts.

Also related toSecv。SIPC,华盛顿特区地方法院否认了一名投资者对诉讼的干预动议。法院说,不仅投资者理查德·奇特姆(Richard Cheatham)的动议不合时宜,而且SEC在代表投资者的利益方面做得非常适合。


同时,SEC继续追随前斯坦福大学高管。它最近针对前斯坦福集团总裁丹尼尔·博加(Daniel Bogar),前斯坦福集团控股公司合规负责人伯纳德·杨(Bernard Young)以及斯坦福集团(Stanford Group)的最新私人客户团体杰森·格林(Jason Green)制定了行政程序。委员会辩称,他们三个经常去安提瓜进行银行业务尽职调查,因此必须知道对CD计划的某些关键错误陈述正在做出。但是,据称他们没有保护投资者,而是鼓励斯坦福集团代表在没有主要披露的情况下继续营销CD,并且在销售增加后他们获得了可观的赔偿。这三个人都否认有任何不当行为。

High Court Seeks Views on Stanford Fraud Lawsuits, NASDAQ, October 3, 2012

Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act(PDF)





德克萨斯证券bob200体育欺诈:投资者起诉Behringer Harvard Reit I,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, September 26, 2012

Texas Securities Fraud: Ex-Stanford Chief Investment Officer Gets 3-Year Prison Term for Her Part in $7 Billion Ponzi Scam,股票经纪欺诈博客,2012年9月18日

Institutional Investment Fraud Roundup: Ex-Hedge Fund Managers’ Guilty Plea Over Bilking Investors of Almost $1M Get 3-Year Prison Term, SEC Sues Investment Adviser Over Alleged $37M Ponzi, and SEC Files Lawsuit Over Purported “Fund of Funds” Scam, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, September 26, 2012

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