President-Elect Trump’s SEC Chief Pick Has Strong Ties to Big Banks

News that President-Elect Donald Trump has nominated Wall Street defense attorney Jay Clayton as the next of bob200体育Securities and Exchange Commission Chair is causing worries that a person who has legally represented big banks may soon be in charge of the agency of the federal government that is负责规范证券行业。bob200体育

For example, Clayton was the attorney for Goldman Sachs (GS) when billionaire Warren Buffet gave the firm a $5B capital infusion during the financial crisis of 2008. He also represented Barclays (BARC) when it acquired Lehman Brothers’ assets and he was the attorney for Bear Stearns whenJPMorgan(JPM)在火灾销售中购买了公司。


Clayton is expected to be integral to President-Elect Trump’s attempts to get rid of parts of the Dodd-Frank Act, which is the financial reform legislation that went into law in 2010. In a statement about his nomination, Trump spoke about the need to unravel “many regulations” that he believes have hampered investments in US businesses.

The President-Elect is bringing in the very Wall Street insiders he spoke out against while he was running for office when he promised voters that he would “drain the swamp.”在他的其他选择中,他们与高盛相关的选秀权:前公司合伙人兼高级经理史蒂文·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)担任财政部长;他任命首席策略师的斯蒂芬·班农(Stephen K.现任高盛和总统加里·科恩(Gary Cohn)是特朗普选择掌管国家经济委员会的选择。

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特朗普将华尔街律师杰伊·克莱顿(Jay Clayton)踢到SEC,《华尔街日报》,2017年1月4日


