SEC Charges J.P. Morgan Ex-Investment Bank Analyst and Friends with Insider Trading

The Securities and Exchange Commission is charging ex- J. P. Morgan Securities, LLC (JPMS) bank analyst Ashish Aggarwal with illegally tipping confidential information about firm clients in impending acquisitions and mergers involving technology companies to his friend Shahriyar Bolandian. Bolandian then purportedly used the information to trade in his own accounts and in the accounts of his sister and father, while also tipping his friend Kevan Sadigh so that he too could insider trade. Together, Bolandian and Sadigh allegedly made over $672,000 in illicit profits. The regulator is also charging them both with insider trading.

根据SEC投诉,阿格瓦尔(Aggarwal)挪用了有关J.P. Morgan担任顾问的两项交易的机密信息。通知Bolandian后,后者和Sadigh在两家公司中购买了相同的电话选项:PLX Technology和Exacttarget。据称,这两名男子在公开宣布PLX Technology Inc.在2012年以Integrated Device Technology Inc.的预期收购以及2013年SalectTarget和PLX Technology的Exacttarget收购。

The trades frequently occurred within minutes or hours of each other and they usually were 100% of the daily trading volume of the option series. The illicit money that was purportedly earned is said to have gone toward covering past trading losses and pay back the debts of Bolandian and Aggarwal. The SEC is accusing the three men of exploiting J.P. Morgan and its clients by engaging in insider trading.

本周早些时候,在联邦大陪审团起诉书指控他们参加内幕交易计划之后,他们被拘留。他们每个人都被指控犯有一项串谋犯有证券欺诈的罪名,招标欺诈,多个罪名bob200体育securities fraud和tender offer fraud, and three counts of wire fraud. Bolandian is also charged with money laundering. All of them have pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges.

SEC Complaint(PDF)

前投资银行分析师和两位被控内幕交易计划的朋友,, August 25, 2015
