
美国证券bob200体育交易委员会已向基金经理杰森·康尼(Jason J. Konior)及其绝对基金管理和绝对基金顾问提出了指控庞氏骗局投资计划这本来可以最大限度地利用投资者的利润,而是据称筹集了200万美元的客户资金,以支付早期投资者的兑换请求以及业务和个人费用。SEC正在向Konior及其两家公司收取违反1934年《 Antifraud规定》的《证券交易法》的违反。bob200体育该委员会正在寻求罚款,永久禁令救济以及对不义之处的谋取措施。

根据SEC的说法,至少从去年11月开始,Konior和两家公司通过向投资者出售Absolute Fund LP Limited Partnership Insports从投资者那里筹集了约1100万美元。据称,柯尼尔(Konior)吹捧这款投资工具为2.2亿美元的交易资本。He and his two companies also allegedly made false claims that the fund would contribute millions of dollars as a promised match to clients’ investments (Konior had told investors that Absolute would put in up to nine times what they originally contributed), combine new investors’ money with its principal, and put their cash in brokerage accounts that investors could use to trade securities through. This “first loss” trading program investors was supposed to allow investors to significantly up their potential profits.

Per Absolute Fund Advisors’ marketing collateral, Absolute would give seed capital allocations to emerging and new hedge funds, which would then buy limited partnership interests in the fund. Absolute was supposed to match the investments by an up to 9:1 ratio. This means that if a hedge fund invested $1 million in Absolute then the fund would match it with $9 million, which means there would be $10 million in investment capital.


Unfortunately, this trading program that was promised never went into operation. The investment fund not only neglected to match investors’ funds but also it failed to return their money when they asked to withdraw their investments.



Read the complaint (pdf)


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我们的庞氏骗局律师在Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LLP代表机构和个人投资者。

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