
In the wake of criticism that the Securities and Exchange Commission has not done enough to assess its rules’ economic impact, its Office of the General Counsel and Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation Division is providing staff with guidance that it needs to conduct a more thorough economic analysis during the entire rule writing process. One of the requirements is that there must be a cost-benefit evaluation when rules that are congressionally mandated or discretionary are involved. This guidance is now binding.

但是,SEC主席玛丽·沙皮罗(Mary Schapiro)迅速指出了众议院监督篷布和金融服务的监督小组委员会,这些规则已经遵循本指南。现在,工作人员将评估委员会在《多德 - 弗兰克·华尔街改革和消费者保护法》之后提议的28条规则的成本效益。


Commenting on this recent development, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LTD, LLP Partner and Institutional Investment Fraud Lawyer William Shepherd said, “How high should the cost of regulations be on a mega-billion dollar industry with record profits in a recession after just ripping off investors worldwide for trillions of dollars because of lack of regulations? Wall Street is an industry of whiners who thinks they are the victims because the cops say slow down in a construction zone or school district.”

Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ), who authored HR 2308, the SEC Regulatory Accountability Act that similarly seeks to enhance the Commission’s cost-benefit analysis in similar fashion as the guidance, still plans to keep pushing for his bill’s passage. HR 2308 made it through the House Financial Services Committee a couple of months ago.


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咨询绩效费用规则限制由SEC调整Stockbroker Fraud BLog, July 30, 2011

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