
A federal judge has ruled that general obligation bondholders in Puerto Rico may go ahead with a securities fraud lawsuit arguing that the U.S. territory’s government has to pay them what they are owed even as it pays off other bondholders and workers and restructures its nearly $70 billion of debt. U.S. District Court Judge Francisco Besosa said the bondholders’ case could proceed despite a new law that has placed a stay on the majority of creditors’ legal actions brought against Puerto Rico.


在贝索萨法官的裁决之后,波多黎各债券的债权人,波多黎各的营业税局,现在要求联邦法院阻止该岛的政府被告知将债券付款重定向向普通债券持有人。Cofina原告集团包括持有超过20亿美元债务的资金以及诸如Canyon Capital和Goldentree之类的对冲资金,认为一般义务债券持有人的主张是“自我服务”,没有绩效。

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