

但是,并非所有10名委员会成员都认可最终报告。这三名共和党成员将他们的异议人士汇总在一起,集中于狭窄的原因。第四个共和党小组成员彼得·J·沃利森(Peter J. Wallison)有自己的异议理由。六个民主党成员认可了该报告。

The majority report places some blame on former Fed chair Alan Greenspan and his successor Ben S. Bernanke. While Greenspan was in charge of the central bank when the housing bubble was expanding, Bernanke was instrumental in responding to the financial crisis when it happened. The report describes the Bush Administration’s response as “inconsistent,” such as when it let Lehman Brothers collapse even after bailing out Bear Stearns. The decision by the Clinton Administration to shield over-the-counter derivates from regulation in 2000 is considered a “key turning point” leading to the economic collapse.

Also receiving some of the blame is current Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, who once served as Federal Reserve Bank of New York head. The report says that the New York Fed failed to detect signs that there were problems at Lehman and花旗集团。监管机构被指责为没有“政治意愿”来审查和负责他们负责监督的机构。同时,FCIC表示,美国证券交易委员会未能停止风险做法,并使银行拥bob200体育有更大的资本,因此可能会造成可能的损失。它还指控办公室的旧货监督和主计长办公室,以阻止各州限制滥用行为。



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