Wachovia bob200体育Securities解决NASD监督费,并同意罚款200万美元

弗吉尼亚州里士满市bob200体育的Wachovia Securities LLC表示,将支付200万美元的赔偿金来解决该指控,即从2001年到2004年,它没有适当监督其基于费用的经纪业务继续提供不适当的收费帐户,或被要求支付已经支付的A类共同股份的帐户费用。



NASD says that Wachovia did tell its brokers that a Pilot Plus account was not suitable for buy-and-hold customers, customers who made a limited number of trades, and customers with assets worth less than $50,000. NASD also says, however, that Wachovia did not create a system or procedures for figuring out whether Pilot Plus accounts were appropriate for these customers.


NASD还声称Wachovia没有正确监督“红地毯俱乐部”的成员。这些是该公司的高收入生产经纪人,这些经纪人不需要进行Wachovia的审查和批准流程。Wachovia被控违反NASD关于与公众沟通的规则,此前它给经纪人的客户信件不准确地引用了Pilot Plus为基于费用的投资咨询服务。

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