
A district court judge in Minnesota has ruled that Wells Fargo & Co. must pay four Minnesota nonprofits $15 million or more in costs, fees, and interests for breach of fiduciary andsecurities fraud. The investment bank has already been slapped with a $29.9 million verdict in this case against plaintiffs the Minnesota Medical Foundation, the Minneapolis Foundation, the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Association, and the Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi Foundation for Children.

Judge M. Michael Monahan, in his order filed on Wednesday, scolded Wells Fargo for its “management complacency, if not hubris” that led to investment losses for clients of its securities-lending investment program. He said that he agreed with the jury’s key findings that the financial firm failed to fully disclose that it was revising the program’s risk profile, impartially favored certain participants, and advanced the interest of borrowing brokers. Monahan said that it was evident that Wells Fargo knew of the increased risks it was adding to the securities lending program and that its line managers did not reasonably manage these, which increased the chances that plaintiffs would suffer financial huge harm.

Monahan noted that because Minneapolis litigator Mike Ciresi provided a “public benefit” by revealing the investment bank’s wrongdoing, Wells Fargo has to pay plaintiffs’ legal fees, which Ciresi’s law firm says is greater than $15 million. Also, the financial firm has to give back to the Minnesota nonprofits an unspecified figure in fees (plus interest) that it charged for managing the investment program, in addition to interest going as far back as 2008 on the $29.9 million verdict.

莫纳汉(Monahan)还推翻了对富国银行(Wells Fargo)有利的陪审团裁决的一部分,并正在下令进行一项新的审判,该指控是指控投资银行不当从债券帐户中扣除了160万美元的儿童慈善机构,因为贷款计划未能通过。但是,地方法官否认了原告对确定惩罚性赔偿的新审判动议。

Judge unloads on Wells Fargo with order on investment program, Poten.com, December 24, 2010

Wells Fargo ordered to pay $30 million for fraud, Star Tribune, June 2, 2010

Wells Fargo to Pay $30M in Compensatory Damages to Four Nonprofits for Securities Fraud,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年6月3日

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